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an easy question for you all

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    an easy question for you all

    Hi peeps

    How do I change the words 'Online Store' that appear at the top of the home page.

    Can I just click on it somewhere and type in the words that I want?



    If you mean the text that appears on the actual page this is probably an image and not text (difficult to guess without a URL) depending on the theme in use. Depending on the theme it is likely this is coming from the "coporate logo" under Design | Options | Shop Defaults | Corporate Logo

    If it is in the browser title bar this is a page (section) title that you can change in the content tree by clicking on the section, selecting the layout tab and editing the "page title"

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      corperate logo

      Hi You've been very patient with me

      I've just installed catalog v7 and in the page preview part of the screen in big greenish letters it says 'Online Store' like it is the title of the page. I think that this is where the name of my business needs to be. As per reply I went to Design | Options | Shop Defaults | Corporate Logo where it said logo1.gif.

      As per previous reply, does this mean that in the site1 folder is a file called logo1.gif which when opened comprises an image of the words 'Online Store'.

      How can I change it to the name of my business?



        To make sure it is the same image preview the site in your web browser - right click over the image and click "save as" ... that will show the file name.

        The image in the site1 folder will be a flatten version - so you wont be able to change the text easily. I recall this coming up many months back (last year) and think maybe a PNG was posted which would allow text editing. A serach should throw it up.

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

