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Empty basket message

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    Empty basket message

    It seems as if the samme message is displayed both when the customers errouneously presses the "Check-out" button with an empty basket, and after a normal purchase has been successfully accomplished.

    I have noticed that some unexperienced customers are pressing the "Check-out" button, and - yes its correct - believes that they have made a purchase. What I would like was to display a special message when trying to check-out on an empty basket, and after a customer has made a purchase, to give him a "thanks for your order" message. Furthermore it would be nice to let the errormessage when pressing an empty basket remain a few seconds longer so that people could have time to read the full explanation.


    Unfortunately both functions use the same script (the 'Cart Manager' script - cm00000?.pl) so the script displays the same message no matter what the context.

    The message can be edited in 'Design | Text' by clicking on 'Go to' and going to prompt ID 44. If you slowed down the operation of this vounce page it would slow down the entire store which, I imagine, is undesirable.

