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    Hi folks,

    I am trying to have the Act_CatalogBody.html to display in 3 columns the main section of products that are in the online store.

    So in the first row I would have

    Column 1:
    Image of Product A
    Product name with link
    to the products within
    the section

    Column 2:
    Image of Product B
    Product name with link
    to the products within
    the section

    Column 3:
    Image of Product C
    Product name with link
    to the products within
    the section

    Is there a specific area in the advanced user guide I have to look to find a solution.

    Many thanks for your help


    Design | Options - Sections tab - Default location and arrangement of section lists - set first row column count to 3, set subsequent row column count to 3.
    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
    BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
    Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
    VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
    Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


      Creating a Page of Thumnail Section Links

      Hi Folks,

      I found some useful info at page 24 of the AUG, I have followed step by step the info and I now have the page called

      Act_SectionLine.html with the correct code

      <!-- SectionLine HTML begin -->
      <!-- Insert HTML for the beginning of a section title -->
      <DIV ALIGN="LEFT">
      <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="5" width="160">
      <span class="actxsmall">NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONTEXT</span> </TD>
      <!-- Insert HTML for the end of a section title -->
      <!-- SectionLine HTML end -->

      How do I get the Thumbnail to appear in the Act_CatalogBody.html page?

      Many thanks for your help



        Default Location and Arrangment of Section Lists

        Hi wjcampbe,

        This is what I have in Design Option | Sections

        Default Location and Arrangment of Section Lists
        List Placement: top
        First Row Column Count: 3
        Subsequent Row Column Count: 3

        Location and Arrangment of Top Level Section List
        Include in Front Page = ticked
        List Placement = top
        First Row Column Count: 3
        Subsequent Row Column Count: 3

        Is it possible to show this list of thumbnails inside the Act_CatalogBody.html so that it would appear as a first page. Than people wil click on an thumbnail and they will be diverted to the section page with the full list of products

        Many thanks




          The user will never see Act_CatalogBody.html - this is just one of the many template files used to build the final page that will be published to the web and seen by the user.

          If you click the Online Catalog pagename in the left hand treeview window in Actinic, this is the page your customer will see when they enter your shop. To see it completely as it will look online, go to the top menu and choose Web | Offline page preview. (Please - don't make anything of the pagename you see - this is only used for preview. The final published pagename will be whatever you have set it to in Actinic)

          Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
          BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
          Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
          VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
          Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


            shop.html page

            Hi wjcampbe,

            I understand that, so if I would like to add this thumbnails of the section links inside the shop.html page I would actually have to edit the shop.html page, is this the right way of doing it?






              I have noticed that when I add extra HTML inside the Act_CatalogBody.html and than click on preview page I can actually see the correct outcome.

              I hope than when I upload the page on the web it will show correctly.




                Originally posted by supermaximus
                If I would like to add this thumbnails of the section links inside the shop.html page I would actually have to edit the shop.html page, is this the right way of doing it?
                NO. Sorry, All you need to do is add sections to your catalog (right click on Online Catalog in the treeview, and choose "New Section"). Fill in the grey box on the right, and that name/image/text will be used as the Shop page section link to your new section.
                BTW - better to name the shop page as index.html - stops people from being able to read your online folder later.

                I have noticed that when I add extra HTML inside the Act_CatalogBody.html and than click on preview page I can actually see the correct outcome.

                I hope than when I upload the page on the web it will show correctly.
                Doing it this way means every page (and you should end up with hundreds) that uses Act_CatalogBody as ONE of its templates will repeat whatever code you added in.
                Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                Located: Alexandria, EGYPT



                  Hi wjcambe,

                  I went to design options and changed the Base page name to index.html, it was set to shop.html.

                  NO. Sorry, All you need to do is add sections to your catalog (right click on Online Catalog in the treeview, and choose "New Section"). Fill in the grey box on the right, and that name/image/text will be used as the Shop page section link to your new section.
                  BTW - better to name the shop page as index.html - stops people from being able to read your online folder later.
                  So at the moment i have 5 sections under the Online catalogue. How can I have a thumbnail for every section that will be displayed in the index.html page of the online catalogue. Which page do I have to modify?

                  Best Regards



                    On each of the five section pages, confirm you have an image filename specified, a name for the section, and some short descriptive text.

                    This image will be your thumbnail for that section on the page level above (in this case the shop index). I saw on one of your earlier posts, you have the "secret" of how to get image above title above short description - set the default section link layout to use that template in Design | Options - Layout tab.
                    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                    BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                    Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                    VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                    Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                      ... I tried and I tried but...

                      Hi wjcampbe,

                      I now have a name, an image and a description text for every section.

                      I went to the design options | Layout and I have seen the Section Link Templates.

                      I can edit the Default Section Link Layout and the Top Level Section Link Layout (and this I guess would be the top level page of the actinic catalogue). The problem is that whenever I change any of those layout I don't see any change in the top level shop page.

                      Is there a specific page I have to edit?

                      Many many thanks for all your help so far.



                        Sorry Max, but my impression is that you are getting this yet.

                        There are no pages - only templates. Each template controls how a certain part of each page will look.

                        Actinic creates pages by putting together a colection of templates and generating the sum of all the layout and content code, only when you preview or upload to a webspace.

                        Without editing anything at all, you add a section to the catalog, assign an image file, add a name and some text, and your new section appears on the shop home page. The original layout is usually image to the left of text and title, but you change this by selecting a different template file (not editing the file - just selecting it). To see the effect of changing the selected template file, move off the shop page to a brochure page, then re-select the main shop page. Now you should see the change(s).

                        Once you grasp how the standard templates build a page, then you can worry about editing to achieve a desired layout, but that becomes specific questions like 'how do I get two product columns on one page?' 'how do I get the text to wrap around the image?' - stuff like that.
                        Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                        BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                        Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                        VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                        Located: Alexandria, EGYPT

