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Does anyone from Actinic actually know what a responderurl for Nochex is?

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    Does anyone from Actinic actually know what a responderurl for Nochex is?


    I appreciate the average user of Actinic may not be able to answer this, but doesnt anyone from Actinic actually support this forum?

    Our website has now been down for 3 days while trying to upgrade from (free) to Actinic Business, basically as their is a problem with the nochex/actinic integration.

    Our orders are stuck at pending. The reason for spending £800 and upgrading to Actinic was to reduce the work load by NOT having to manually reconcile nochex payments with orders.

    By looking at the source of the page just before the site moves to nochex it appears that Actinic is generating a responderurl of:
    but enter that manually in

    and all I get is an error

    Nochex say the format of the responderurl should be:

    responderurl= [APC responder address]

    which doesnt look to me like the format being sent by Actinic!?!?

    When I try
    the nochex page seems to respond but we dont get an email saying its worked. Does this mean the script isnt responding?????

    Is the script responcible for responding to Nochex?

    I cant say I'm impressed, this is basic functionality that is not working, we are loosing money, and I'm getting tired of asking questions and getting no responce.


    Here is what Nochex says about APC:

    Step 4: At the time the payment has been made, NOCHEX will post a confirmation to the
    responder URL you specified which includes the information about the transaction as well as the
    security key.

    Step 5a: When your server receives the APC confirmation, it should return all of the information
    posted to you including the security key to the NOCHEX APC authentication page

    Step 5b:The NOCHEX authentication page will then respond to you with an “AUTHORISED” or
    “DECLINED” message.

    The NOCHEX Automatic Payment Confirmation (APC) Manual 5
    Step 6: After your server has received the “AUTHORISED” response you should check the details
    to make sure the amount and the email addresses match up with a prior order. If a “DECLINED”
    response is received it should be treated as suspicious and investigated.
    Step 7: When you have checked all the relevant data you can update your database and continue
    the purchase process.

    So am I correct in assuming that the problem could be at anyone of those stages?

    I'm assuming that the OCCNOCHEXScriptTemplate is used to create script and that is the perl script dealing with APC?

    so does the attached script ( have any of the stuff required by Nochex, and if so what lines in the script deal with each step?

    If this isnt the correct script, which is? What should I search for?



      Pete - your first post refers to a page named responder.asp - now Actinic is NOT an ASP.NET programme and does not use Active Server Pages.

      You seem to be having a lot of difficulty with what should be a simple operation.

      Within Actinic, View | Business Settings - Payment and Security tab. If Nochex is not already listed as a payment option, click the + in the top left corner of the listing table to get a blank row added, then select Nochex from the dropdown list.

      Now highlight the new Nochex row, and click the Configure Method button. Enter your Nochex merchant ID. Upload your site and test.

      Did you tell Nochex you were using Actinic when you signed up? They should have given you their integration guide along with your merchant ID - understand that it is the bank/service provider who buys the integration kit from Actinic and writes the integration code - so this is a Nochex problem not an Actinic one.
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        I think Pete is referring to the newer Nochex merchant account not the standard Nochex account. I see from earlier posts that only Ploybeads says he has this working.

        Why not contact Playbeads ( and ask him directly. Perhaps he can remember who he spoke to at Actinic.

        Nobody else in the previous threads/posts confirmed that Nochex have actually said that the Nochex Merchant account will work with Actinic.


          Originally posted by wjcampbe
          Pete - your first post refers to a page named responder.asp - now Actinic is NOT an ASP.NET programme and does not use Active Server Pages.

          You seem to be having a lot of difficulty with what should be a simple operation.

          Within Actinic, View | Business Settings - Payment and Security tab. If Nochex is not already listed as a payment option, click the + in the top left corner of the listing table to get a blank row added, then select Nochex from the dropdown list.

          Now highlight the new Nochex row, and click the Configure Method button. Enter your Nochex merchant ID. Upload your site and test.

          Did you tell Nochex you were using Actinic when you signed up? They should have given you their integration guide along with your merchant ID - understand that it is the bank/service provider who buys the integration kit from Actinic and writes the integration code - so this is a Nochex problem not an Actinic one.

          Thanks for replying, and with lots of detail, at least I know someone is reading my posts!

          I know that actinic does not use asp, i just posted that as its what Nochex use to describe the format that the responderurl should take.

          I have done all the things you suggest already, but it doesnt seem to fully integrate Nochex and Actinic as all my orders (even those that have been paid for) are left in the psp pending state and I have to manually reconcile them with emails. I didnt pay £800 to end up with a system that is at the moment, at best equal to the free one i have been using!

          Since saturday morning I have been searching the Nochex/Actinic sites and trying various things to no avail. I started with this thread: but as my questions had changed slightly I thought a new thread would make it clearer.

          Do you use Nochex? Do your orders get passed the psp pending state?

          Many thanks


            We use Nochex as an option with the standard Nochex account. Unfortunately I'm not in front of my download machine at the moment, but I'll check later to see if we always get PSP-Pending or not - I know it's been working fine but maybe things have changed.


              Originally posted by drounding
              We use Nochex as an option with the standard Nochex account. Unfortunately I'm not in front of my download machine at the moment, but I'll check later to see if we always get PSP-Pending or not - I know it's been working fine but maybe things have changed.

              That would be great thank you.



                Originally posted by wjcampbe
                Did you tell Nochex you were using Actinic when you signed up? They should have given you their integration guide along with your merchant ID - understand that it is the bank/service provider who buys the integration kit from Actinic and writes the integration code - so this is a Nochex problem not an Actinic one.

                Just thought I would add.......
                When we signed up with Nochex over a year ago we were using a based shop, and still were until saturday. We are in contact with them but all they seem to ask for is our responderurl, but what Actinic seems to generate as a responder url fails the Nochex responder test, hence my request!


                  I've just checked in Actinic in our orders and all the Nochex payments come through as complete (so long as not aborted at payment stage of course).

                  We have a standard account not merchant and just added the PSP in the manner described by Bill above.


                    Originally posted by drounding
                    I've just checked in Actinic in our orders and all the Nochex payments come through as complete (so long as not aborted at payment stage of course).

                    We have a standard account not merchant and just added the PSP in the manner described by Bill above.

                    Thanks I really appreciate you checking. At least I now know that it should be possible. I cant see the fact that we have a merchant account would be causing the problem.

                    If you didnt do anything special, I'm not sure where that leaves me though

                    In desperation I asked Nochex to make our responderurl anyway, but we are still not getting confirmation.

                    Can I ask whether if you go into your nochex account, in the control panel, you have a link for 'edit APC details'? If you do could you please click on the link and tell me what you have as the 'URL you want confirmations sent to'?

                    Many thanks


                      Originally posted by petesouthwest
                      ...Can I ask whether if you go into your nochex account, in the control panel, you have a link for 'edit APC details'? If you do could you please click on the link and tell me what you have as the 'URL you want confirmations sent to'?

                      Many thanks
                      I just had a look - there is no option for APC details. Presumably because we have a standard account not a new merchant account.


                        Originally posted by drounding
                        I just had a look - there is no option for APC details. Presumably because we have a standard account not a new merchant account.


                        Thank you, I really appreciate that.

                        AFAIU the APC function isnt restricted to the merchant account. As some of Nochex info seemed to suggest we needed it 'switched on', we requested it, and its just been done for us. Previously we didnt have the option on our control panel either.

                        It hasnt seemed to help though.

