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An error occured while sending the merge request

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    An error occured while sending the merge request


    Now when I try and put my real site back i get 'An error occured while sending the merge request'

    What does that mean?????


    The error means there was a problem executing the script on the server that does the update of the search index files. This can happen when Actinic is confused about what version of the site it last uploaded. Try doing a 'Web | Refresh Website'. If you still get the error after that, go to 'Help | Troubleshooting' and click the 'Purge and Refresh Website' button - and select the option to delete the *.cat and *.fil files before refreshing.


      I suggest you try the Compact Database option for both Cataloge and shipping (just click on the two boxes) and when thats finnished try a REFRESH WEBSITE and that should solve it,

      you probably dont need the compact option but it solves so many problems its always worth a go

      It looks like a file on the server is not the same as actinic expects and therefore throws up this error
      Chris Ashdown


        we have tried all of the above

        After selecting
        'Purge and Refresh Website' button - and select the option to delete the *.cat and *.fil files before refreshing.
        we got a message saying they could not be deleted and could we delete them manually, this we did (on the remote server, is that correct?)

        Then we started getting a lot of 'cant connect to FTP server'

        after retrying several times and it apparently continuing we get:

        'an error occured while merging files on the remote site. The web site index has been corrupted. Catalog is unable to update the index. copy ../acataglog/fulltext.fill to ../acatalog/oldtext.fil failed. Permission denied. please refresh teh site.

        But we are refreshing the site!

        This has all happened since uploading teh 'default' site to test whether my changes were indeed responcible for Nochex/Actinic problems.

        to do this we uploaded to the site from a different machine. The error then happened the first time we uploaded the real site from the normal pc.

        I tried using an FTP program to delete the acatalog subfolder and deleted the scripts from the cgi-bin.

        not sure whats going on


          I tried using an FTP program to delete the acatalog subfolder and deleted the scripts from the cgi-bin.
          What was the result of this? That would be what I would suggest. At least remove the contents from those folders - if not the actual folders themselves.


            I had used an FTP program to delete the files last night, most of the errors we saw were after the deletion.

            In the end it just worked. Simply tried uploading again after all the errors and everything worked ok. Not sure why.

            Another mystery



              hi there i have been experiencing the same problem, i am trying to upload the store for the first time and am getting the exact same message, i think it may be due to certain permission or because i have change the design of the site.

              as i am fairly new to the company i work for i am unsure what files where already in the cgi-bin, how do i know which were the ones created by actinic. ???


                I have just had the same problem again, after using an FTP program to delete the files. Did everything suggested at the begining of the thread with no luck as before. Seem to need to change permisions to 777 on the acatalog folder...



                  bit unsure what you mean by setting the permissions to 777, when uploading do you also get a 404 error?

                  while setting up it also asked for the proxy setting. i was unsure which tick box to use to just left as defualt, could this be caulsing the problem???



                    you probably need to start withthe basics

                    we need to kbow who your host is, which package you have, and see a copy of your network settings (without passwords etc) Then we can start to identify the problem. At present we don't have enough info from you to anything except speculate.

                    Have you searched the forum using your host as the searchterm to see if other posts can help

