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Free samples

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    Free samples

    Does anyone know a simple way of offering individual free samples of products?

    We sell envelopes and similar products in multiples of 10. We can't sell them in singles because Actinic pricing does not allow for fractions of a penny, otherwise we could make a single item free.

    We offer about 1400 different products so I don't want to completely replicate our product range with a single free sample option.

    At the moment I have a single "Free Sample" product, where the customer has to physically enter each product code they wish to request, which you can do by cut and paste backwards and fortwards but its very tedious, especially for the less computer-literate who may not know about cut and paste.

    The ideal would be a bit of code next to each product that allowed customers to click for a free sample and it would grab the product code and plonk the details into the cart as a free sample request.

    Any ideas welcome.

    The only thing I can think of is to have a page of free samples with a single addto cart at the bottom. You could offer your most popular ranges there, with an option to add a specific product code as well. Use a compact layout with just prod ref, prod name and short description

    You may catch a few more using this method

