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multiple component discoutns

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    multiple component discoutns

    i am selling training courses on my site....there are six courses selectable by radio button choices on one product..although each choice is on a sepperate component...for various reasons,you can also select any combination...

    then on another product on the same can select the date for each course you have picked via a drop down box....also on sepperate components....i am using single add to cart per page.

    my problem is i need to have a fixed price for each course each component.....but if they choose for example.....course 1 and course 2...which are 2 sepperate components...they get them both for a special price.

    if any1 has any idea that would be great.

    i have had to split them onto sepperate components due to a few issues i ahd with the optional ir not trying to make it a s simple as possible..
    this is where im testing for the moment...plzz help meee ;0)

    Hi Steven

    To apply discounts to a combination of seperate component choices(within the same product), we need to associate new 'hidden products' (New products marked as 'Hide on Website' in the General tab of Product Details) for each of the component choices. However, there could be limitations as a product can only be added to one Product Group.

    The closest workaround, I worked out and hope should work , would be to create seperate product groups for each product(say Group1 for product 'Module1'). Then in View | Discount and Surcharges Settings | Cart Contents tab | Create a new discount based on Quantity, with trigger set to 1, applicable to the Product group, 'Group1', and below in 'Rewards' , set the reward type to '% off or £ off extra product' and choose the Product group below as Group 2 (which has product 'Module 2' associated with it). The reward percentage or amount will have to calculated based on the Module2's pricing, and on how much discount is to be applied when Module 1 and Module 2 are selected. This way we can then create a new discount again created between Product Group (Group 1) and applicable with a percentage or amount off on Product group, Group 3. With this type of combination we should be able to cover the discounts for all the choices available.

    Hope this helps.

    Kind Regards,



      Product Component Discounts

      Further to this thread - I've tried to apply component discounts using the hidden product method described below but nothing is happening - the hidden product discount is not being applied when the product is used as a component. Are there any particular component or permutation settings I need to use to activate the discount for the component?



        I am afraid that does not quite work that way. Components and their attributes / choices of a product, even if members of other discount groups, will only use the discount associated with the main product under which they appear. This is how it works currently.

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King


          Buy One Get a smaller size Free

          I was looking to set up a new discount for a product: -

          Buy a 5lb tub and receive a 2lb tub of the same product for free

          I placed hidden products for each pack size then place each hidden product in groups 5lb and 2lb
          First problem - Discount Message not displayed unless main product was added to 5lb group

          Second Problem - Discount was not applied to the 2lb group

          Third Problem - the link in the cart to discounted products was directed to the hidden products so wouldn't work

          The only work round i can see is is creating main products for each pack size not ideal

          Any better ideas?

          Thanks Paul
          Paul Hesford
          Web Design Wigan

          Based in the Northwest of England UK, provides web design, programming, e-commerce and web hosting services

          Cheap Whey Protein from Powerbeck
          Web Designer in Wigan
          Actinic Hosting
          Dog Kennels and Runs

