I want the customer to be re-directed to the homepage after shopping basket in place of going back to the same product.
I have tried doing the following but does not work:
If you want to change the target of the "Continue Shopping" button of the view cart page then CartManager.pl (within your 'Site1' (or equivalent) folder) should be edited. Just open this file in a plain text editor and find the line
my $sURL = $::Session->GetLastShopPage();
There will be only on instance in sub ContinueShopping. This line should be changed to:
my $sURL = "MyURL";
where MyURL should be the URL where you wish to redirect your shoppers.
Any ideas?
I have tried doing the following but does not work:
If you want to change the target of the "Continue Shopping" button of the view cart page then CartManager.pl (within your 'Site1' (or equivalent) folder) should be edited. Just open this file in a plain text editor and find the line
my $sURL = $::Session->GetLastShopPage();
There will be only on instance in sub ContinueShopping. This line should be changed to:
my $sURL = "MyURL";
where MyURL should be the URL where you wish to redirect your shoppers.
Any ideas?