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Displaying perminate Frames

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    Displaying perminate Frames

    What i want to do, is display the website in the top frame, in a bottom frame the non-scrolling section display the shopping basket (fully). Because of the links between the html file its more of a problem then i first thought

    this is what i have currently

    a bit of a mess but the website works fine (and doesn't look like a jumble) before i seperated it out


    <title>POLYMAX UK</title>
    <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 6.0">
    <meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">

    <frameset rows="400,*" framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="0">
    <frame name="Act_Primary" src="Act_Primary1.html" scrolling="auto" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" target="_self">
    <frame name="Basket" target="main" src="Act_Primary1.html" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">

    <p>This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them.</p>



    ................ Thats the simple code im using to serprate them out

    This code has replaced the Act_Primary.html section.

    (Act_Primary1.html + Act_Primary1.html in both frames i know is wrong, but was just using for testing purposes) number 1 for for o-rings, rubber seals, rubber cords. In Viton NBR and silicone.
    Cuddle And Carry, Baby Slings Wraps Ringslings Pouches and Carriers O-Ringen Rubber Koord Uitegdreven Profielen in Nitrile (NBR) Viton.

    Personally I wouldn't use frames, as you will be simply digging yourself a big pit to fall into.

    Try another method of displaying the basket contents


      thanks for your reply , what other meathods are there? number 1 for for o-rings, rubber seals, rubber cords. In Viton NBR and silicone.
      Cuddle And Carry, Baby Slings Wraps Ringslings Pouches and Carriers O-Ringen Rubber Koord Uitegdreven Profielen in Nitrile (NBR) Viton.


        Kermy's done a good patch that displays a mini cart with pricing, product and total. His site is under constrcution at the moment but you can still download it from there:


          GREAT ! Thanks alot people! it worked but how do i put that in a frame that static always on top, with out messing up the links in actinic.

          im assumming you have to use the act_primary.html
 number 1 for for o-rings, rubber seals, rubber cords. In Viton NBR and silicone.
          Cuddle And Carry, Baby Slings Wraps Ringslings Pouches and Carriers
 O-Ringen Rubber Koord Uitegdreven Profielen in Nitrile (NBR) Viton.


            Why not put it in a sidebar instead of a frame - frames are really going to make a mess of things. You can modify Act_Primary to include it in a sidebar or at the top. There was a lot of related discussions on the forum when Graham was doing this - try a search or follow the Kermy's posts.



              Glad you found the add-on useful. As Duncan stated, using frames to achieve the static cart is a method I would strongly disuade you from using. Frames not only make navigation difficult for customers (bookmarks will bookmark the outer frame not the actual page being viewed etc) but make it very hard for search engines to find your pages.

              If you're desperate to achieve fixed positioning, you can use javascript to fix the cart to the same position on the screen. Try the following:

              In the Act_Primary template, find the code that writes the cart summary to the page:

              <script type="text/javascript">
              Change that code to:

              <div id="cart" style="position:absolute;top:10px;right:5px">
              <script type="text/javascript">
              function staticCart(){
              var timer = setInterval("staticCart()",10);
              In the above code, the cart would be set 10 pixels from the top of the screen and 5 pixels from the right of the screen. Change these numbers to suit your desired position (both in the first line and in the fifth line). Once that's been written to the screen, the Javascript function staticCart() loops every 10 milliseconds and resets the cart to the position you set, relative to the top of the screen rather than the document, thus giving the impression of being static regardless of user scrolling.

              There are CSS alternatives to this method but they're quite complex since Internet Explorer doesn't support fixed positioning.
              Web Development, Actinic Patches, Scripts & more


                Again many thanks great peice of code, but of code only works if there is nothing in cart, if somthing is added its placed at the bottom of the page
       number 1 for for o-rings, rubber seals, rubber cords. In Viton NBR and silicone.
                Cuddle And Carry, Baby Slings Wraps Ringslings Pouches and Carriers
       O-Ringen Rubber Koord Uitegdreven Profielen in Nitrile (NBR) Viton.


                  Can you post a URL for me to see what's happening?
                  Web Development, Actinic Patches, Scripts & more


                    Got it working now, thanks. just need to find out how to give the cart a solid background

           number 1 for for o-rings, rubber seals, rubber cords. In Viton NBR and silicone.
                    Cuddle And Carry, Baby Slings Wraps Ringslings Pouches and Carriers
           O-Ringen Rubber Koord Uitegdreven Profielen in Nitrile (NBR) Viton.


                      nope its gone to the bottom of the page again
             number 1 for for o-rings, rubber seals, rubber cords. In Viton NBR and silicone.
                      Cuddle And Carry, Baby Slings Wraps Ringslings Pouches and Carriers
             O-Ringen Rubber Koord Uitegdreven Profielen in Nitrile (NBR) Viton.


                        now its working again
               number 1 for for o-rings, rubber seals, rubber cords. In Viton NBR and silicone.
                        Cuddle And Carry, Baby Slings Wraps Ringslings Pouches and Carriers
               O-Ringen Rubber Koord Uitegdreven Profielen in Nitrile (NBR) Viton.


                          Talking to yourself is the first sign of madness James. LOL

                          I guess you must've picked it up from the forum. (or the templates!)

