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Change View Cart Page

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    Change View Cart Page

    I am trying to make some changes to the View Cart (or Show Cart) page. Unfortunately I didn't build the site so I am having trouble finding the right files to edit.

    I have configured Actinic to use Dreamweaver as the default html editor.

    Can anyone tell me what file(s) I need to open please? I want to change the position of some graphics in the main body of the page as well move the 'update' and 'checkout' buttons.
    Actinic Web Design | Actinic Templates

    Act_ShoppingCart.html seems to be the file that controls it. An extremely useful tool for locating relevant templates is under Advanced > Template Manager in Actinic. It gives you the location of any template in the site controlled by an external HTML file. It saves hours of searching through your site's folder.

    Hope that helps.


      Hi Rob,

      That does help a great deal, thanks very much. I'm not sure that trying to learn V7 for one client and V8 for another at the same time is entirely the right thing for my sanity! I'm sure I'll be back later on


      Actinic Web Design | Actinic Templates


        I want to create a pop-up page in the View Cart page so people can view postage rates. I've inserted the link into the page but I'm not sure where to create the pop-up page and what template to use.

        Can anyone help please?
        Actinic Web Design | Actinic Templates


          Hi Rob, glad I could be of some assistance.

          Are you looking for a pop-up window created by a javascript, or as a normal hypertext link that goes to another page on the site?

          If it goes to a page on your site, you could just create the page as a brochure page and link to it that way. Doing this will mean that you can have a consistent template throughout the site.

          If you'd prefer to do it through javascript, it's probably best to create a page where the content is of definite dimensions so that you can create a pop-up with width and height equal to that of the document.


            Hi Rob,

            I want to create a page with no heading or navigation links etc. In other words just like an extended info page. I know how to create a javascript pop-up, the thing I'm not sure about is where I can locate the file because Actinic tends to overwrite or delete files that are placed in the SiteHTML folder unless they have been created from within Actinic in the first place... If I create a page in Actinic I need to specify a template to use. I tried specifying an Info Page template but that didn't work.

            There is probably an easy solution to all this!
            Actinic Web Design | Actinic Templates


              Hi Rob,

              If you just save the page into your site directory (usually Site1) then you should be able to just link to it as you normally would. The only other thing that you'll need to do is to add the HTML as an additional file so that Actinic definitely uploads it. To do this, go to Advanced > Additional Files and just browse to the HTML page.

              Hope that helps.


                Thanks Rob, that seems to have done the trick
                Actinic Web Design | Actinic Templates


                  No problem Rob, glad to have helped


                    OK this is the last question for today, I promise! After this I'm packing up for the day...

                    The View Cart page looks fine but the very next page (the first checkout page with Select Shipping Destination on it) is pushing outside of the frame on the right.

                    The URL is - if you navigate through the view cart page onto the checkout page you'll see what I mean.
                    Actinic Web Design | Actinic Templates


                      I've had a look but I can't seem to duplicate the behaviour you describe in either FF or IE. What browser are you using to view the site?

                      I really like the design, by the way. The bar across the top is especially nice.


                        Hi Rob, I'm using IE 6. I've cleared out all cached files but it still looks the same. More importantly though my client says it looks fine on his computer so that's all that matters - must just be my PC that's throwing a wobbly!


                        Actinic Web Design | Actinic Templates

