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Small problem with Paypal

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    Small problem with Paypal

    Paypal works fine on our site but it seems that when a customer places an order it doesnt send us a copy , we get an email saying we have an order to download but we do not get a copy of the order which is very handy indeed for us , any ideas ???

    Thanks Alot


    When you say 'it' are you referring to your Actinic store or Paypal?

    I suspect you mean a copy of the order content - if so have you configured a copy email address in View|Business Settings - Email?

    Incidentally I also have this issue, it was working but stopped for some reason about a month ago but I've never got around to trying to find out why.


      I get a copy email from paypal ie Notification of payment received , but I dont get the copy email sent to an alternative email address , I will do some checks and try and find a solution!!

      We like to get order copies sent to another location because we are "spread out a bit " being a small business this is sometimes the only way




        This is pretty common with Paypal. about 90% of our Paypal orders dont' come with copy emails either.
        I think it's something to do with customers not always getting redirected back to the Actinic site after paying. Perhaps due to not clicking "return to merchant" which I believe is what triggers the order confirmation email.
        A lot of my customers who pay by Paypal end up emailing or calling to check their order details because they didn't get an order receipt either
        It's a pain!!
        Mind you, I have dozens of Protx customers who get error message when they've paid too...that's worse!


          we will keep paypal as an option on the site but we are opening an account with secpay ,


            No Actinic Order Receipts with Paypal

            Has anyone got a work around for this yet as this is a real pain for us?
            If the problem is caused by users not clicking on the "return to merchant" link, is it possible change the settings so that they automatically return to merchant? I presume this is something that paypal would need to do?



              This is something you need to enhance on the PayPal side. Perhaps have a larger return link, or attach a message asking customers to click this link to see their receipt.

              Kind regards,
              Bruce King


                I fixed ours by making the customer bounce to the receipt page 2 seconds after the sale was completed, the problem is I can't remember how I did it! because it catches 90% so I want to reduce it to 1 second.

                I am sure it was on the forum and consisted of putting in a bounce instruction on the last page of the PSP scripts, no doubt someone with more of a memeory than me can point the way, I think that Bill might be the person that gave the original solution.

                (now you know why the Buspass signature!)


                  I'd like to see your solution if it gets found again.
                  I'm using Adwords and am trying to track my sale conversions.
                  Quite a few of my customers dont go back to the receipt page, so i dont get a copy of the invoice emailed to me, neither do they, and they dont register as sales with google. So its difficult to work out the cost effectiveness of my adwords campaign.

                  arka flesh tunnels
                  Arka Tribal Jewellery


                    Wasn't me John.

                    Nadeem gave the answer here back in 2003
                    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                    BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                    Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                    VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                    Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                      Hi WJCampbe,

                      that link is to a thread earlier this year.... but anyway, i dont think it solves the problem,
                      did you link to the correct thread

                      Best Regards,

                      Arka Tribal Jewellery


                        a thread earlier this year
                        Yes - silly me, I read the join date of the poster, not the post date on the thread - but it does answer John's question of where he changes the redirect delay on the Paypal auto redirect.
                        Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                        BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                        Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                        VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                        Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                          Paypal bounce

                          I was sure it was you Bill, must be because you come up with so many solutions!
                          anyway that is not the solution I used, it was something to do with putting something on the last payment page of the Psp that automatically resent the customer back to the receipt page after 2 seconds without clicking.
                          Will now have to look into it at office and try to find code etc., time permitting,
                          it's on my list (a mile long!) of things to do urgently.


                            Paypal Bounce Back

                            I’ve had the same problem & no solution to date, which makes it impossible with PayPal to check the ROI of a goggle adword campaign or to set-up an affiliate program as both need some code to be put into the thank you page generated by actinic on bounce back after the customer has paid. In the PayPal profile web page it states that if you set-up auto return and also select PayPal payments optional (needed if your customer does not have or does not want to have a PayPal account) it means that after payment the return to the merchant site is optional via a very small link on the PayPal payment site. – who ever solves this need a Nobel prize!


                              Any Suggestions Bill?

                              Ok, so now I've found out I haven't solved the problem - I seem to have solved it on Secpay by replacing
                              Act_SECPayOK with:-
                              <META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Developer Studio">
                              <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="3; URL=${receipturl:=${RECEIPTURL}}">
                              <TITLE>Succesful Transaction</TITLE>
                              <BODY BACKGROUND="/images/sec_back.gif" BGCOLOR="#ffffff" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#0000b9" VLINK="#7c22ce" ALINK="#000080">

                              <DIV ALIGN="CENTER">
                              Your credit card details have been accepted and the transaction approved.
                              If you have any queries regarding this transaction, you should quote
                              reference: <b>${trans_id}</b>.
                              All confidential information has been sent so you should not be concerned
                              about any warning that you are leaving a secure site.

                              Now there's no button and the customer goes to the receipt page automatically in 3 seconds (am changing to 2, people still beat it and shut down)
                              The same thing could not be done for Paypal as there was not an equivalent page.

                              I am sure someone far cleverer than me (not difficult) could come up with a similar instruction to put into PostPaypal.fil
                              (at least I think that is the right one) to redirect to the receipt page, or maybe Paypal won't permit it because they want the
                              chance to sign up new accounts.
                              The only other way I can think of is to use the Paypal Auto return and lose the account optional.

