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How long does Google take?

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    How long does Google take?

    Just wondering how long it takes for Google to get round to indexing a site. I've got two sites I'm currently trying to improve searchability, one actinic, one non-actinic. All the meta-data went in to the sites about a month ago - but there's no sign of it yet on Google. Is that normal?


    You need to start getting external sites to link to you. The search engines will then find thoise links when they crawl the established site and follow them back to your site.
    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
    BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
    Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
    VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
    Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


      To find out how many sites link to you, do you just have to do a search on your url?

      I remember reading something about this in this forum last week, but can't find it now.

      Trying to squeeze my moneys worth out of V7 - but not for much longer!


        I was suprised how quick google started listing my pages, It was the home page first for about 3, now it's starting to list most pages.
        I only submitted index.html and acatalog/index.html and did a google site map and left it alone.
        As nick says you can search for your site in google ( and for links it's
        I also use which is quite useful.
        Percentage Golf


          Slightly depressingly (when looking for info about sitemaps) I discovered Google last crawled my site on 27th June. No wonder it's not picked up my new data!

          Are there any tips on how to get external sites to link to you? Is it just a case of finding relevant sites and then asking them to link - or are there places you can automatically get yourself listed on that would do the trick?


            Is it just a case of finding relevant sites and then asking them to link
            this is the best method, long and arduous I know, but the most robust and future proof

            or are there places you can automatically get yourself listed on that would do the trick?
            I would not touch any automated process with a barge pole


              It's not so much the long and arduous bit that bothers me, it's the human aspect of people who just don't do it, either because they don't want to, or because they forget!


                Hi Caite

                Many sites within G's sandbox will/may appear very highly for a short time after launch, but this does not last for very long I am afraid.

                You currently have 2 links indexed in MSN showing via Widexl.

                External links as stated is one sure fire way of getting our good friends at the big G to find your site and ensure a long life span (and more traffic).

                Loads of other techiniques out there too, but to reiterate the above, STAY CLEAR of the auto process, pay $x for 100,000 links, pay only $1 and we will submit to all the major se's etc (you get the idea)

                Ensure your content is relevant, you have alt tags in the right places, meta and copy are in line (I know there are different opinions on there uses but I still think they are relevant), anchor text etc and you will find your way up the SE's naturally.

                Some keyword competition vs appearance timeline rule of thumbs for you before you url will/may appear are:

                Low competition: Approx 6-8 weeks
                Medium competition: Approx 6-9 months
                High competition: 12 months + (if ever)

                As with everything, observe the key off page rules BUT ensure this does NOT compromise your "user friendlyness" in the procees, write for the user then the bots IMHO

                Kind Regards
                Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
                Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


                  What do you mean by 'keyword competition'? Is it just a matter of oft-searched words - ie free, sex, etc?

                  If so, hopefully I should be in the low competition segment of that, I certainly seem to be in the cheap but first page rankings for google adwords.

                  I just hope my meta data is effective once it finally gets noticed, because with months between each change and assessing its effect on google, perfecting it could be a very long slow process.


                    Keyword competition = "brown widgets supplier" etc (aim for keyphrases rather than 'words') many hits do you get when you type in a particular search?

                    The more link results there are, the more competitive the field thus the harder to rank highly....

                    Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
                    Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


                      What are the forum's opinions on automated link exchange programs such as Linkswapper, Linklister etc?



                        IMHO I do not touch them nor advise clients to touch them (in general, not the specific products you refer to).

                        My stand point is that our clients are attempting to build quality content with relevant links out for topic areas that they may/may not cover or wish to extend further info or indeed if unrelated, their visitors will find useful.

                        Unfortunately, an auto script cannot check for the quality/content of the site, the locale of the site, and many more other criteria points we look for.

                        They may suit some, but not my clients

                        o/t For example, having looked at your site, I note that your niche fits inline with one of my client sites.

                        "There is no substitute for effort in todays market. If there was I would make it automatic and sell it to many who do not possess the will to succeed."

                        Kind Regards
                        Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
                        Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting

