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Entering Multiple Coupon Codes

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    Entering Multiple Coupon Codes

    Hi All,

    Since Actinic has kindly ignored everyones requests for a 'proper' gift voucher scheme (booooo..... hiss.....) and the only other option available to me is to fork out another £400 on a plugin that isn't actually available at the moment, I am going to have to manually add/remove coupon codes from my clients site.

    Basically they are going be selling gift vouchers online that will be posted to the lucky recipient. The plan is for us to print some blank vouchers that my client will then overprint with the recipients name, the actual voucher value and the discount code. They then let me know the code/s (they might buy multiple vouchers of a particular denomination) which I then add to the site using the same voucher codes as the ones they have supplied. Once they have spent them I remove them again to avoid any multiple redemption's. Whilst this is a total pain the backside, it should work quite well as my client doesn't get thousands of transactions a month.

    Only thing is, how can you enter more than one discount code into the site? At present you enter the code and it jumps you onto the next section of the checkout. A shopper might have 10 x £10 vouchers to redeem against a £100 product but only one box to enter them in?

    As always, any ideas gratefully received!


    B&M Design & Advertising Ltd

    I doubt this is possible. Can't your client overprint the total value on one coupon instead of particular denomenations? It would also reduce the number of coupon codes you have to enter as well.


      Ideally they wanted people to have the option to redeem them as they want. Most items on the site are quite pricey so people may only want to use some of the vouchers they have been given at any one time.

      Also, due to the high cost of the products, they might receive vouchers from numerous family members at Christmas if they want to use them towards a certain product. They would definitely need to be able to enter multiple coupon codes then.


      B&M Design & Advertising Ltd


        I understand what you mean and why but I doubt this is going to be possible. I think there would need to be a lot of perl mods to do this. Unless anyone else know better...



          This is one for the wish list I think. I will however run ti past development to confirm.

          As for the 'proper gift voucher' you might want to check Graham's (Kermy) website, as he has managed to get around this and create a one time use coupon.

          Kind regards,
          Bruce King


            Still working on this at the moment I'm afraid, but I'll post a thread when its up and running.

            Web Development, Actinic Patches, Scripts & more

