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Getting the data into Acatolog database

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    Getting the data into Acatolog database

    Hi Guys

    I have so many products to list (appox 3000) that at my typing speed of 1 -2 words a minute I’ll be retired before I list them all.

    The plan was to take a copy of the ActinicCatalog.mdb file create a form for the products table in Access and get a speed typist to enter all the data as I don’t have the data in digital format.

    Problem 1:
    There are to many fields in the products table and access wont create the form.
    Problem 2:
    If this is feasible and problem 1 can be over come where is the components and attribute information for choices I cant see it in the product table for the products I already have listed.

    Or can anyone suggest any easier way of doing this. I looked at an example csv import file but matching t so many fields from the csv file to the catalog is a job in itself.
    Asking some one else to enter the data directly into Catalog who does not under stand components, attributes and choices is not feasible.

    Any and all suggestions welcome.

    Many thanks

    Maybe the Access route is overcomplicating things. MS Excel could probably provide all that you need without resorting to forms etc. You can export CSV files from Excel and import them into Actinic.

    The other product stuff is located in the ProductProperties table but you don't need to know about that if you use the CSV import feature.
    Chris Brown


      There are some fields in there that you will not need to use, for example 49 of the opaque tax data fields are not needed for UK users, so I would suggest only including the fields in the form that you actually want your typist to actually enter. Prices have to be entered as price * 100. (so £10 is 1000). Make sure that you include a valid section id or else the products will not appear in the catalog.

      It would actually be better to use the import facilities, create a spreadsheet with the required fields and then import it - this will make sure that all of the fields that you do not enter are defaulted to the correct values.

      Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
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        Hi Guys
        Thanks for the replys. I'll have to play with this one.
        Many thanks.


          Check out the helpfile in Actinic. I was scrating my head a bit until I did this. Type in import into the search and you can print off all the required attributes and it also tells you what the defaults are if nothing is entered into the field.

          I used excel and saved it as a csv file and uploaded about a 1000 products in no time at all. I think Access is over egging the pudding in this case!



            Nothing like a good pudding. Thanks I'll do that.

            Could you be so good as to email me a sample of your import file with say 20 products. This would be a great help.

            I'm afraid to say I'm a monkey see monkey do person.



              Having done an export of my current data to an excel sheet I find the format is unlike anything I have seen before. Instead of the field names being laid out one to a column many of them appear to be in multiple columns. Having looked at this the whole thing appears very confusing. It would seem to me to be easier to input the data through the normal actinic screen.

              I was hoping that it would import as column headings one to a column so that identification of each field would be simple as it is to edit e excel sheet is a great deal harder on the eyes.

              I really need to find an import routine that will lay the columns out in a more friendly manner.

              Disapointed ( how do you spell that)



                There are two types of import - one is heirarchical (which is the one that catalog produces when you export your catalog), the other is flat file.

                The latter would probably be suitable for you, to see the format take a look at these files, they will be in your site directory.


                Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
                Visit our facebook page for the latest news and special offers from Mole End

                Top Quality Integrated label paper for Actinic and Sellerdeck
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                Multichannel order processing
                Process Actinic, Sellerdeck, Amazon, Ebay, Playtrade orders with a single program, low cost lite version now available from £19.95


                  Thanks Jan. I have now looked at the sample files and exported my own data. But the whole actinic *.mdb structure is not conduceve to my passing the exported file for a speed typest to type in my 3000 product range.

                  The file is just to overbearing to be usful in the exported format and has a lot of potential for error in this mode. I can cope with it myself but the idea was that I could have someone else do it so that I could get on with the marketing etc.

                  I will have to produce the damn thing myself. Argggg... I hate inputing.

                  C'est la vie.



                    My sample attached.
                    Attached Files


                      Many Thanks Andy.

                      Your sample file looks a lot simpler than the mammoth I exported from my catalog. I will have a play with that. I have a lot of sizes and choices with my products . Maybe I can just import as a flatfile and then add the components and attributes after.

                      Just one question The product refrenece field if I leave this empty will catalog auto assign values?

                      That will will be a great help many thanks. A little less confused now.

                      Cheers Andy:


                        that's what I intend doing with mine rather than mess around with all the Hierac import, which will take a bit to get my head around.

                        Good luck



                          Yes it will auto assign references if that field is left blank.



                            The sample file you sent me imports nicley into access. I have made a quick form with the Access form wizard - its now perfect for anyone to input the data one record at a time.

                            The data exports from access nicley and imports perfectly to catalog

                            Which means I can do what I have been asking for all along and have a speed typist enter the data in a fraction of the time it would take me.

                            Why this cant be explained in plain english in the helpfiles I dont know. Written by coders for coders.
                            C'est la vie

                            Do you have access 2002 ? I can email you the database*.mdb file with the form if you wish.

                            Just one more question I have
                            product refrence
                            display product flag
                            selling price

                            which need to be mapped to the correct fields do you know which fields match I assume selling price matches the price field but the others arent immediatly obvious

                            Cheers I owe you one.



                              Selling price is indeed the price. the other three need not be used, they are fields that appeared in the application I exported from and mean nothing in Actinic (apart from product reference which is optional), please feel free to email me your access 2002 file to . Cheers.....


