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Hosting with Easily - no email now

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    Hosting with Easily - no email now

    Hi there
    We have used Easily to host our website for the last 4 years with no real problems. However last week they did a "migration" to a new server and since then the email side of things no longer work.

    Customers do not get email, we dont get an "order is waiting" email and we cannot force emails through the actinic system either. We get:
    Failed to communicate with the SMTP server.

    Possible Cause:
    1. Network transmission problems.
    2. Could have Changed the SMTP Server settings, but not Uploaded after that.

    1. Retry
    2. Upload the Site First, if you have changed the SMTP Server Settings.

    If retry fails, check your SMTP settings
    or contact your ISP.

    The error was:
    58317 error returned from SMTP server (1: SMTP Authentication is not
    supported by this server!

    I have spoken to easily and it is like banging your head against a brick wall. They dont seem to have a clue what I'm talking about.
    I put in the new server name to replace the old one as they suggested but it did not work.
    Anyone else using easily and had this problem ?



    Have you tried using


    as the SMTP server in Actinic?

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      is that what everyone does ?
      does it work ?


        Originally posted by rookers
        is that what everyone does ?
        Can't speak for everyone but is a good cure all for SMTP issues

        Originally posted by rookers
        does it work ?
        It does for the majority of installations hence the suggestion.

        Try it and see - if in the rare event it does not resolve then simply re-instate your exisiting settings that are not working and see if anyone else hosting with Easily can post the settings. You can also try unticking "username and password" if localhost does not work

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          is that what everyone does ?
          does it work ?
          I use it for all my sites as it solves any problems should the client decide to move hosts in the future and it makes it easier to setup.


            Thanks for that.

            I have tried it with these results:

            localhost - including username and password - still not working

            localhost - no username or password - the customer gets an email confirmation, but we do not get the "Catalog order recieved" or the copy email as specified in Business Settings.

            So it's half working. "Easily" came back to me and suggested using localhost too. But why is it not working completely ?

            And ideas?


              Hi there
              Whilst I am waiting for the clowns at Easily to sort out their SMTP problem, can anyone tell me how I can maybe do something to get the "copy invoice" email working as we have found this invaluable in the past especially when we have had network problems and lost orders etc.



                You can do this by adding the email address in Business Settings | Ordering .. 'Send Receipt email copies to:' field.

                Kind regards,
                Bruce King


                  Ermmm, thanks for that Bruce but that is the whole point - it is not working!!!

                  We have an email address in that field and it has worked for ages, but now it is not working - no copy email is ever received.


                    Ok, this is what adding the email address in Business Settings | Ordering .. 'Send Receipt email copies to:' is supposed to do, so let us try it manually to see if it works or not.


                    You will need to open up the script in Notepad or such, and Search for 'Act_CustomerEmail.txt', you should see...

                    ($Status, $Message) = GenerateCustomerMail('Act_CustomerEmail.txt',
                    $::g_BillContact{EMAIL}, $sName);
                    if ($Status != $::SUCCESS)
                    ACTINIC::RecordErrors($Message, ACTINIC::GetPath());

                    Replicate the above 5 lines.

                    In the second occurrence, replace '$::g_BillContact{EMAIL}' with the
                    target email address.

                    ($Status, $Message) = GenerateCustomerMail('Act_CustomerEmail.txt',
                    "sales\", $sName);
                    if ($Status != $::SUCCESS)
                    ACTINIC::RecordErrors($Message, ACTINIC::GetPath());

                    If using Actinic Business then search for 'Act_BuyerEmail.txt' and apply the same change.

                    Save the file and exit. Upload the store and then try placing a test order.

                    Kind regards,
                    Bruce King

