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making text bold

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    making text bold


    bit simple but how do i change text to bold ive tried <B></B> and <strong></strong> and neither of them are working in my preview window.

    Any suggestions?


    Hi Charles,

    Where are you entering this code? If it's in a product description, it needs to be contained within !!< >!! tags, so the actual text should be:

    !!<<strong>the bolded text</strong>>!!

    Hope that helps.


      yep got it, i realised just before you replied, had some text in a different colour then it all came flooding back, terrible memory!

      thanks alot


        Thankfully this has now been resolved in v8 with "word-like" formatting .. highlight and apply the style ... a very small and over-looked feature in v8 but one that will save hours of work in manual code editing

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          Originally posted by jont
          Thankfully this has now been resolved in v8 with "word-like" formatting .. highlight and apply the style ... a very small and over-looked feature in v8 but one that will save hours of work in manual code editing
          That'll be great news for our markup-ignorant content administrator (the boss), but how does Actinic actually apply the formatting?

          If it uses <font> tags, <b> or <i>, then it's probably better to code it by hand


            how do you format

            is there a guide on how to format text on description within actinic 7?

            like usually you use <B> for bold but its <strong> as in above post, how do you change the colour or bullet points

            any information would be great

            thank you

            dale summerton


              Originally posted by 3000rpm
              is there a guide on how to format text on description within actinic 7
              No - it accepts basic HTML mrkup - if you arenot sure checkout somewhere like w3c on the internet for loads of working examples

              Originally posted by 3000rpm
              how do you change the colour
              colour is changed similar to the above eg:

              !!<<font color="#990000">My Red Test</font>>!!

              note the Americanised spelling!

              a better way is to <span> tag the text and use CSS to style the text as this then allows a single change in the actinic.css stylesheet to make global changes to the colour - otherwise you wold have to trawl through the whole site to make the change from say red to blue. Again w3c have loads of working examples if not sure

              Originally posted by 3000rpm
              bullet points
              bullet points are a little trickier if you need to change the colour / shape in a specific place... again a new <ul> tag with a stylesheet class needs to be specified.

              If you want to change EVERY bullet point then open the actinic.css stylesheet and look for the declarations for <ul> and possibly <li>


              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                Originally posted by RobSollars
                how does Actinic actually apply the formatting?
                Applying red and bold to "classic tale" ... a default product text description ... becomes ... now brace yourself ....

                !!<<span style='color: #ff0000;'>>!!!!<<strong>>!!classic tale!!<</strong>>!!!!<</span>>!!

                .. told you.....

                There is still a bug where if you change the colour of one of the layout selector from the default say balck to say red .. then decide to change it back again to the "default" setting the <span> tagging is still kept and the colour is set at #000000 rather than deleting the code!

                This will not deter the majority of Actinic users but having played with it since Alpha would suggest using CSS wherever possible if you have the knowledge / inclination / time.

                !!<<span class="myHiLite">classic tale</span>>!!

                Thankfully there is a similar formatting drop down box next to Bold / Italic / Underline to apply CSS

                SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                  Originally posted by jont
                  Thankfully there is a similar formatting drop down box next to Bold / Italic / Underline to apply CSS
                  That's good to hear. Inline styles, whilst not ideal, are certainly a step up from the copious amounts of font tags and redundant markup we've seen in previous versions.

