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Advance Network Setup Query

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    Advance Network Setup Query

    Hi everyone,

    I have been running with 1and1 and have just recently purchased a GeoTrust certificate as i wanted to get my checkout to display the padlock as recently changed PSP but that is a long story. I now have confirmation from 1and1 that the certificate is active by displaying my site as and need to know whether i need to re-do the Advanced Network Setup to replace all the old www.the ... to the new https://.... and that will enable me to see the padlock in the basket ????

    When i phoned them to order it, they said i could set it up the pages that i wanted but now i have got to the nitty gritty, feeling a bit scared as i know one wrong button could brings lots of swearwords and tears in my case !

    Will i then have to re-load everything ?

    I also want to add the geotrust logo to the three main pages and have seen an item posted by Davie_ne1 and hope i could use this unless anyone else has anything to add.

    Thanks for any help you can give.

    Firstly I suggest you get the cert reissued for and not have it at - note the presence of the www.

    Once the cert is in place, go to payment and security, tick the use SSL box, actinic then will do the rest ie it will populate the network settings for you.


      Still need help

      Hi Jo,

      Thanks for the advice, i have contacted 1and1 and this was their reply:

      "I understand your concern however you may upload a default.asp file in the root directory. Please click the link below and follow the procedure for Linux application since your package is linux. This application will allow the user to type in the browser and they will be redirected to"

      If i do this, will I still be able to click the SSL box in the settings and get it to populate automatically as you suggested earlier ?

      I am still not sure how to create a file named .htaccess in the root as per their help suggestion .....


        Yes, you would need to configure the SSL details within Advanced | Network Setup in Actinic to point to the url Also please check the following community threads for more information on setting up SSL with 1 and 1 from the links given below:

        I hope this helps.

        Dhivya Malani

