I'm having a bit of a problem uploading our website. When I do I get a warning message :
Warning: Some of the configuration variables were not found in the HTML
templates. If you modified these templates, make sure the results are what
you want. If you have not modified the templates, the files are probably
corrupt. Try restoring them from a backup or contact your Actinic reseller
or Actinic Support as appropriate.
Act_ProductBody.html DISOUNTINFOBULK
I've imported my back up copy into Template Manager but then I get several script messages and my columns are all skew-whiff ! I think my Act_ProductBody is corrupt and wondered whether there is any way I can get a new one !
I have attached it incase it can be fixed so would appreciate any help to get back on track.
Warning: Some of the configuration variables were not found in the HTML
templates. If you modified these templates, make sure the results are what
you want. If you have not modified the templates, the files are probably
corrupt. Try restoring them from a backup or contact your Actinic reseller
or Actinic Support as appropriate.
Act_ProductBody.html DISOUNTINFOBULK
I've imported my back up copy into Template Manager but then I get several script messages and my columns are all skew-whiff ! I think my Act_ProductBody is corrupt and wondered whether there is any way I can get a new one !
I have attached it incase it can be fixed so would appreciate any help to get back on track.