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whats wrong with my website ??????

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    whats wrong with my website ??????

    Hi guys,

    Sorry to grill your brains again but im getting ZERO sales...

    I have approx 200 targeted people coming to my site per week, this is done through Froogle, adwords and decent links...

    However im getting no sales at all, and would like if anyone can see what im doing wrong on my website ??

    I have optimized it to death.

    I have fixed my adwords to work, and getting decent CTR - approx 10% per add. (these are very targeted)

    Come on - help me out

    Reverse Osmosis Water Filters

    Where is your site?



      Reverse Osmosis Water Filters


        A few things I see:
        1. No phone number on front page
        2. No street address mentioned anywhere
        3. You would be better off if you had a 'proper' PSP
        4. No specials to catch my eye
        5. Your home page is just one big graphic - not clickable
        6. Didn't see any mention of delivery costs

        Other points:
        1. Are your prices competitive?
        2. What do your competitor sites look like?
        3. Do your visitors land on a product page? DO they leave on the same page? How many pages per visit?
        4. 200 vistors a week is very little you need to try and get at least 10+ times that to start getting orders
        5. Think about adding marketing to your top space - it's mostly a green banner
        6. Tell people why they should buy from you and tell aht they must do - buy - and do it boldly

        I'm sure others will have more input, but that's my early morning thoughts.



          I agree with Duncan about the frontpage - I think you should create a set of images as opposed to one big image.

          I also think you should spend more time on this section. At the moment the page doesnt jump out and grab me. I think there is too much white space.

          Your contact us page is very light on information. I tend to find customers want loads of information (as Duncan has already said - telephone and address for starters) to give them confidence you are not a dodgy outfit...

          ... on this subject, other things to build customer confidence are a page dedicated to delivery, a page dedicated to SECURE payment, a page dedicated to returns.

          With 200 visits a week you should be looking at 2 to 15 sales (I think?!?!?!). 15 would be very very good going (e.g. peak time of year).

          Hope this helps

          KJ Beckett
          KJ Beckett
          Men's Clothing & Accessories
          Cufflinks, Underwear, Ties, Grooming Products
          Bath, England
          Fast delivery to UK, USA and worldwide.
          Men's Fashion Blog


            Originally posted by mythandmagic
            Hi guys,

            Sorry to grill your brains again but im getting ZERO sales...

            I have approx 200 targeted people coming to my site per week, this is done through Froogle, adwords and decent links...

            However im getting no sales at all, and would like if anyone can see what im doing wrong on my website ??

            I have optimized it to death.

            I have fixed my adwords to work, and getting decent CTR - approx 10% per add. (these are very targeted)

            Come on - help me out

            Hi Kez

            I’m no expert, but we seem to be doing ok so I thought you might be interested in what we have found.

            I have seen studies that show that the average person spends 6 seconds on a site before moving on. Therefore, firstly I would look at why they might not be finding something of interest to click on within in this time. IMHO the main page graphic, should at least have hot spots, to link to the sections mentioned.

            Look at what we have done here I wanted an image that stood, but I knew potential customers would try and click on it, so to keep them on the site longer than 6 secs needed the hotspots.

            Maybe also try and do some section images showing the units in use? If the potential customer is just setting up, they might need to see what the units look like in real life situations, so that they can imagine them in their own situations?

            Other studies I have read talk about customers deciding to buy fairly quickly, but then reading details on the products to re-enforce their decision. Looking at some of your products, there does not seem to be much description, just a technical spec.

            Looking around your site, I did think some of the images looked a little blurred ( maybe it is just me, but I’m not sure what I am looking at.

            Then I would compare your site to your competitors, for look, ease of use, range of products, price. Internet shoppers are used to shopping around, if they can’t get all they need from you, or find another site selling it cheaper, you are unlikely to get their custom.

            Try doing loss-leaders, a really cheap price on an item with the hope that they will also buy the other items they need from you. This is the kind of marketing

            Personally Paypal puts me off because I associate it with Ebay, but many of our customers wouldn’t know the difference between Paypal and Protx. Again I think this will depend on the internet savvy of your potential customer base.

            IMHO I don’t think it is necessary to have your phone number and address on the front page. IMHO most potential customers will ‘assume’ you are legit, unless there is something odd about your site that makes them suspicious, then they will try and check. I base this on the fact that most big players have their details hidden away to some extent, and people except that as the norm.

            Hope this helps



              I think the look of the site is ok, but I agree with the others on that big graphic. There is an internet culture of see-cool-stuff-and-click-on-it that you need to satisfy.

              You don't need an address and telephone no. on the front page. I don't have one and I get orders (they are present on other pages), although I know it does put a few people off - some even try the number and if no-one answers they go elsewhere - but this isn't common.

              You haven't got a hook or tag line - its difficult to see from your website what market you are catering to. I'm guessing it's outdoor lighting - but it's not obvious. If I was in the market for some pool lights, I couldn't determine from the front page if I had reached the correct site. Your front page is a bit brand-centred. I wouldn't what brands to look for, but I might be in the market for some garden lighting. Are you selling to Joe Public or the trade?

              What keywords are you running on your PPC campaign? The lack of orders could imply you haven't got the right ones. What's the Click-Through-Rate (CTR)?

              You don't say how many weeks you've been up-and-running. Took me two weeks to get the first order.

              Alan Compton
              Great board games and cards games you won't find in the High Street


                firstly i will agree with all the rest regarding the image

                i would suggest to make it like a map so the customer can click different place and transferred to different link.

                secondly you have on the right hand side the box saying contact us... (make it more specific.

                phone number would be better but we do not have one on the main page either and we already have some sales.


                  ok - thanks for all the advice, im working on it...slowly..

                  Ive changed the hompage image, its still a single image made up in photoshop, I added Slices/hotspots on the images for links to the various sections, but this didnt work when its seems it only works when i save it as a html page, but i dont want a whole page, just the centre image.

                  How do i keep that image and add hotspots to each image ????

                  Or how do i go about making that image retaining the hotspots/links

                  Sorry if this is confusing, i confuse myself.
                  Reverse Osmosis Water Filters


                    Originally posted by mythandmagic
                    ok - thanks for all the advice, im working on it...slowly..

                    Ive changed the hompage image, its still a single image made up in photoshop, I added Slices/hotspots on the images for links to the various sections, but this didnt work when its seems it only works when i save it as a html page, but i dont want a whole page, just the centre image.

                    How do i keep that image and add hotspots to each image ????

                    Or how do i go about making that image retaining the hotspots/links

                    Sorry if this is confusing, i confuse myself.

                    We did the hotspots using Dreamweaver and then copied and pasted the html code generated into the text section of a fragment. Remeber to place any html code between !!< and >!! so that Actinic knows its html code.

                    The syntax for doing the hotspots looks like:
                    <img src="acatalog/../images/homePage.jpg" width="440" height="300" border="0" usemap="#homePage" />
                    <map name="homePage" id="homePage"><area shape="rect" coords="3,2,217,145" href="../acatalog/Women.html" alt="Shop for Her" />
                    <area shape="rect" coords="221,3,437,145" href="../acatalog/Men.html" alt="Shop for Him" />
                    <area shape="rect" coords="4,149,219,292" href="../acatalog/Little_People.html" alt="Shop for the little ones in your life" />
                    <area shape="rect" coords="223,151,434,288" href="../acatalog/Home_and_Pets.html" alt="Shop for the home and pets" />
                    If you don’t have access to a package that does the hotspots for you, you could use the code above as a template and replace with your own values.

                    You can see how the code relates to what is seen on our opening page

                    Hope that helps



                      check out my frontpage , the main thing is that the phone number can be seen straight away , and we get as many orders over the phone as we do from the net , good luck



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                          You can see how the code relates to what is seen on our opening page

                          Hi Pete,

                          I really like your site, can you tell what navigation style you are using down the lhs, I like the way it shows the top two levels and then you have a third detailed level below.

                          How do you get such nice section spacing?

                          Sally Dickson
                          Creative Catalogues Online - Brands & E-shops

                          The Official Paddington Bear Shop
                          The Official Bang on the Door Shop
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                            Originally posted by Sally Dickson
                            Hi Pete,

                            I really like your site, can you tell what navigation style you are using down the lhs, I like the way it shows the top two levels and then you have a third detailed level below.

                            How do you get such nice section spacing?

                            Hi Sally

                            Many thanks for the positive feedback, I spent quiet a long time trying to get the LHS navigation bar so that it would be easy and obvious to find products. Basically 'shop for:' is a section, with sub-sections for 'men', 'women' etc. The products are then added to the sub-sections.

                            The information pages are done the same way, a section, then subsections, then 'products' that have only the information to be shown.

                            Hope that helps


                              I have optimized it to death
                              Not quite - take your home page it is not optimised at all there is no significant text in the body and the title tag (vital) still says the standard actinic home which is useless.

                              The index page should be optimised for your main keyword/phrase eg lighting as google placed a little more weight on the index.

                              Post your main keyword/phrase.

