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permmissions/ id identifier

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    permmissions/ id identifier

    hi there i have been trying to work out how to change the permission to 777, where do i do this. when creating network set up, it asks for the cgi identifier ID number is this where it should go?

    777 refers to the permissions for files on your server.

    You'll need to log onto your server using ftp software, and then change the permissions there.

    If your server is a linux host, then you're in luck, your server supports chmod 777

    otherwise, if its a windows host, then you're out of luck. no such permissions change are supported.

    'cgi identifier ID number' is not related to this.


      using my ftp software how am i supposed to change the permissions???\
      i have tried to look in every menu and right click option possible but as yet have had no joy?


        when re-trying to get the site fully on the server i am still getting problems. this time i am now receiving ones about permissions. i have created a cgi-bin folder within a folder named shop- this is then within the current website folder. as not to overwrite that index page.

        Is this allowed or does my server provider have to create this folder for me???

        i will try to put the cgi ID number as 777 and 755 ( i think is the other one?)

        does anybody have any ideas????


          To change the file and directory permissions you need to ftp into your server, select a file or directory and then find something in your ftp software that will allow you to change the file's permissions.

          This can usually be found by right-clicking the file or selecting something from a drop down menu.

          If you can't find the right way to do this then let me know the ftp software you're using and I'll see if I can find the right way for you.


          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



            i have managed to work out how to change the permissions, but when i test or do the wizzard thing i have other errors. i am have now deleted the acatalog folder along with all the cgi-bin content and will refresh the site in actinic ( including the help | troubleshooting | )

            hopefully i will be able to get it up and running i will no doubt come back to you in a moment.


              when you come back be sure to tell us who your host is and post your network settings.

              Additionally do a forum search on your host name to see if anyone has already posted network settings that work


                when performing the network set is the http proxy and the ftp proxy setting required? at present these details are unknown, would my server provider know these details. ( through a company called micromart.


                  This is unlikely to be the problem.

                  Your best bet is to check the following and then post some replies here. That way we'll know what we're looking at and can probably help you find the solution.

                  1. Are you hosted on a unix server?

                  2. Who is your webhost and what package have you got?

                  3. Export your network settings to a text file and then copy and paste them here. Make sure to remove your username and password information and don't worry about using your real website name as you can come back and delete it if you want to once everyting is working.


                  First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                    many thanks for the interest,

                    our service provider is, and i am fairly sure its running on a unix server. check this link to double check, i assume we have unix as its the onlyone here that supports php,-

                    the exported settings are follows- the HTTPproxy and FTPproxy detail have not been filled in, also replaced deleted info with '............':

                    HTTPPROXYMODE 0
                    HTTPPROXYPORT 80
                    FTPPROXYMODE 0
                    FTPPROXYPORT 21
                    SCRIPTID 1
                    SCRIPTEXT .pl
                    IGNOREPASSIVEERRORS true
                    USERELATIVECGIURLS false
                    PATHTOPERL /usr/bin/perl
                    USEENHANCEFTP true
                    FTPCLIENTTIMEOUT 15000
                    FTPRETRYDELAY 3000
                    FTPSILENT true
                    FTPMAXRETRIES 30
                    FTPCONNECTTIMEOUT 25000
                    SMTPAUTHREQUIRED false
                    PATHFROMCGITOCATALOG ../acatalog/
                    CODEBASE ./
                    FTPUSERNAME .....................
                    FTPPASSWORD ...............
                    PATHTOCGIBIN /
                    USEPASSIVEFTP true

                    is this the information you require?


                      you will have been given a cgi bin, and for security reasons, you normally wouldnt move it.

                      on your server, it will either be in or near the htdocs folder. you'll normally not be able to run code from any other folder, then the one that was set up for you.

                      your actual and fuinctional cgi-bin is here:

                      and i know this since it gives: forbidden instead of not found

                      the shop should be here:

                      if you ahve it in a folder called 'shop'; then actinic would actually be here:

                      just make sure you dont use any brochure pages, you allready ahve a website up there, and make a copy of your front page. to ensure that actinic does not overwrite it.
                      Last edited by gabrielcrowe; 23-Aug-2006, 10:13 AM. Reason: deleted it al, wasnt paying attention


                        we have a cgi-bin folder found on the server where suggested, however when i try to select this one and then the web root directory as the /shop folder i recieve the following error message:

                        your ftp account does not have permission to write the specified cgi-bin directory, contact your ISP or system administrator and ask them to check the directory permissions, the server reported:200 type set A
                        227 Entering passive mode (195,82,125,14,133,134).
                        550 actinicCgiTest.txt: permission denied

                        when trying to set the network up before i am sure the files went into this folder- i may have done something to .......

                        scrap that just got off the phone to the hosting provider and we need an upgrade to support the perl and cgi files. arrrg! i swear i will have no more hair by the end of the week.

                        we should be getting the update within the newt few days so hopefully all goes well. i will let you know how i get on,

                        many thanks for your help.

                        kindest regards

