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how do i get banner to stay on screen at all time?

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    how do i get banner to stay on screen at all time?

    hi. how do i get my banner and navigation bar (with home, info buttons, etc) to stay on screen all the time, while the products and side bar scroll down?? sorry if this is a basic question. please help


    The only way that you can achieve this is to have all parts of the site use the same primary template. You can tell what templates you are using through Design | Options | Layouts (this is only for V6/V7). But even doing this may result in you having different navigation buttons on the Brochure pages. This is because those pages use a completely different template as compared to the shop pages. You can tell what Brochure template you are using through Design | Options | Brochure.

    If you need the buttons to be the same on both the Brochure and Shop pages you will have to hard code them on to the templates or use the individual navigation buttons on the templates. A list of different navigation buttons is available in the Advanced Users guide under the topic "Inserting Individual Navigation buttons". If you do not have the guide it can be downloaded from here

    Hope this helps
    Kiran Chandran
    Technical Support - SellerDeck

    Further help can also be found at


      I read the OP as wanting the banner and nav bar to remain in view whilst the page scrolls beneath?

      If so - the old school was to place into a frame (nasty for search engines) ... new school of design would see the elements being positioned using CSS (positioned to either the HTML tag or the BODY tag) and setting the z-index to say 10 to always be on top ... the elements would stay at the top of the page and the content scroll beneath.

      Most users do not like this style of design (from a usability viewpoint) so consider it carefully before embarking.

      Apologies if mis-read the OP

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        ok, thanks for that. will have a think about it as it looks like it might be more trouble than its really worth.. thanks!


          sorry another simple question but how do i change the overall size of text on my site (ie products and brouchure pages)? i want something slightly smaller than default.. is there a quick option or do i have to do it all manually?? pleaase point me in right direction.. thanks


            The fonts get their sizes from a css file called actinic.css, making the required changes in here will apply it over the entire site.

            Kind regards,
            Bruce King

