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problem copying products

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    problem copying products

    My client recently upgraded his site to Version 7.0.3 (yes I know he should have done it ages ago!). Since the upgrade he now has problems. He normally copies a product and then pastes it in the section he wants and then simply changes the text, price, photo etc etc rather than starting with a new one as a lot of the attributes are the same. This has always worked for him.
    However since the upgrade when he copies a product and then tries to paste it in the section Developer seems to freeze up, it uses up 100% of the CPU and the only way you can get out of it is to shut down Developer. Any ideas?
    Ta Deborah

    there are other threads outlining issues with copy/paste, I suggest you take a look at these.

    It may be a case of upgrading to 7.06 ie the latest patch, but I'd research other peoples findings first

