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Order adjustments & corruption

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    Order adjustments & corruption

    Twice now I have had an order become corrupted after adding an adjustment and then deleting it.

    For example, a customer orders an item and I reduce the price for them. I add a minus adjustment. then if I make another adjustment change, like delete the adjustment (which IS an option on the website), it MAY corrupt the order file which will crash the program the next time I try to open that order file. This is a real pain as I have to end up having to delete the file and either reentering the whole order online again or hand writing a receipt plus having to call them for a credit card again.

    This NEVER happened on v.4


    I am not aware of any problems with v5 in this area.

    Can I recommend some database maintenance tasks to see if they help you. Firstly, in Actinic go to 'Housekeeping | Compact Databases' as this will help the databases ot run as efficiently as possible.

    Also, if you have got Access 2000, start it without opening a database and then go to 'Tools | Database Utilities | Convert Database | To Current Access Database Version' and then select the ActinicCatalog.mdb file within your Site1 folder.

    Obviously, back up a copy of your database somewhere safe before doing these tasks.

    Finally, it may be that you have a huge number of orders in there and Actinic is struggling to keep up. Think about whther you can archive some orders via an export and then delete and purge some from your database.


      Even though this is an old thread, I thought it worth posting as I have been experiencing eaxctly the same problem as Supermez.

      Previously searched the knowledge base and couldn't find reference to it, but it does seem to be a bug.

      To confirm the problem. It only happens when you add an adjustment, then delete it. Then when you go to add another or same adjustment again the order corrupts, the program exits, and it is impossible to re-open the corrupted order.

      I will try compacting as Chris suggests here, but do think this is a bug.


        Thanks Martin

        I have passed this onto the development team.


        What version of Actinic have you got? I'm using 6.1.4 and have not been able to reproduce this.


          Thanks Chris

          I can't say it something that crops up often, but def happens every time have run through sequence I outlined.
          Currently using Act Catalog (as far as I now this is fully patched)


