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Stock Levels Window

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    Stock Levels Window

    Hi, I have had a search and could not find a report of this problem so maybe it is just me!

    I open the Actinic Catalogue 7 Stock Levels window. I sort the records by name (by clicking on the title bar). When I type in the new stock level figure the cursor jumps to a completely unrelated stock item and updates that item with the revised stock level. Frustrating. This happens whether or not I use the keypad or standard number keys. The number I type is echoed on screen but on the wrong product.

    Does not always happen! Completely buggeres up my stock levels if I am not on the ball I know I can update via the content tree but this is more tedious.

    Any help greatly appreciated!

    BTW are there to be any special upgrage offers for existing Actinic customers upgrading to 8?

    All the best, Pete
    Pete Europe's largest online yo-yo shop for skill toys specialist boomerang store for Japanese Kendama

    A heart transplant at Papworth Hospital in February 2005 saved my life. Please consider signing up on the Organ Donor Register at Give Life!

    Its not you


    Just wanted to add that I have this problem as well, using developer 7.06.



      Peter & Ian,

      I am unable to replicate this happening with a site that has about 1850 products. Can you compact your databases ( Housekeeping | Compact Databases ) and the try this and let me know if it still happens. If the compact did not help, I would suggest you raise a support query at as we will need to see a snapshot to determine what is causing this to happen.

      Kind regards,
      Bruce King


        Compacted databases still leaves stock problems

        Hi Bruce, thanks for your reply. I just tried compacting the databases and the problem still exists. I will raise a support query as suggested.

        Thanks Ian, I am pleased it is not just me! I will post any reply/solution I might get.

        Pete Europe's largest online yo-yo shop for skill toys specialist boomerang store for Japanese Kendama

        A heart transplant at Papworth Hospital in February 2005 saved my life. Please consider signing up on the Organ Donor Register at Give Life!


          not so bad

          Hello Bruce,

          I tried updating my stock levels again and noticed, although when you change the stock level the cursor moves up to a different product (only about 95% of the time on my system) and changes the stock amount for that, if you then move the cursor down to another product using the arrow key or mouse wheel the cursor will drop to the product below the original product you wanted to change and if you check you will see that the product you wanted to change has changed and the product that was changed instead has reverted to its original value, It is not ideal but does make the system usable.

          I have tried the stock update on the Actinic 8 demo and it works fine, so that is something to look forward to.



            v8 has the problem as well

            I have found that this problem occurs in V 8.02 as well as 7.06. I have filled in the bug notification form.
            I suspect it may have something to do with external linking to a MYSQL database, has anyone else with this problem got an external link? or not got an external link?



              forget that last post


              I just disabled external linking in developer 7.06 to test my theory (which I should have done before my last post) and it made no difference, so it has nothing to do with external linking.



                Many thanks for your feedback on this. I have fed your feedback to the Development team, so there should be a fix before too long.


                  please fix soon

                  I have the latest Actinic version and still have the problem so assume there is still no fix for this, I have now noticed that it only occurs when there are a lot of products listed in the window and you have to scroll down to get to the bottom products, the top products update ok, but when you scroll down the problem occurs.

                  Please fix this soon, although it can be worked around it does cause more mistakes to be made in updating stock levels (difficult entering 2 digit numbers as it can jump a split second before enter the second digit and then you have entered the second digit in a different place).



                    Yes this is happening to me.

                    I suspect it is related to the problem I have on thread


                    An IE7 preview bug that prevents correct viewing and updating.

                    Ph: 0845 838 1 839
                    Skype: GiftsLine


                      Not Explorer 7


                      It is definitely not Internet Explorer 7, I have only upgraded to that last week, this problem has been happening for at least 5 months.

                      any other ideas



                        Sadly no, it means I have another problem that is quite different.

                        I only recently upgraded to v7.0.6 as a means to try and solve my other problem. So I can relate it to happening in v7.0.5 as well.

                        Other than that I'll watch this space.

                        Ph: 0845 838 1 839
                        Skype: GiftsLine


                          Glad it is not just me?

                          Good to see this is not just me! I was experiencing this in IE6. I just upgraded it to IE7 and the bug remains. I am running Actinic Catalog 7. I have over 1000 products. A ticket was raised some time ago but I have not heard anything in a long time...

                          It'd be nice if it worked

                 Europe's largest online yo-yo shop
                 for skill toys
                 specialist boomerang store
                 for Japanese Kendama

                          A heart transplant at Papworth Hospital in February 2005 saved my life. Please consider signing up on the Organ Donor Register at Give Life!


                            I see this problem regularly. Its in the Stock Levels dialog, which is a Windows dialog.
                            Why are people talking IE6/7?

                            Speaking as a Window programmer, the Stock Levels dialog looks like its been implemented using an owner-draw listbox, which isn't updating fields from the correct data source when it refreshes the list. This seems most noticable when the list has been re-ordered (i.e. you've clicked on one of the list headers to sort the list by name or quantities).



                              This has been happening to me for months too (V7.03 Developer) - I haven't worried too much about it because I think you'll find that the product you want to change does in fact change, and the product it jumps to is not changed from it's original stock level, and as Widdy says if you then use the down arrow you end up where you should have been......

                              Apart from anything else, we find it easier and quicker to change stock levels in a linked spreadsheet which runs all our products.

                              Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories

