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Changing Actinic Search to include other pages

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    Changing Actinic Search to include other pages

    I have copied the code for the search function in Actinic onto the front page of our main website, and it works, so when you enter a keyword it searches the actinic catalogue and presents the results. I was wondering if it was possible though to some how configure the script so that the search function will include other html pages in its search.

    We have a main site of about 50 odd html files and then we obviously have the actinic catalogue, and I want to, if possible, be able to have pages from the main site searched and apppear in the results page using the actinic search.

    Any help would be most appreciated.

    Other pages will be outside of Actinics usual scope or searching. You will probably need to install a standalone search tool to search the other pages

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Could you not create the pages as products and import the content into them? That would probably solve the problem, and make updating those pages a lot easier.

