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links on my home page

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    links on my home page

    I am still developing my site and need to know how I can put images that link to the rest of the site.


    Originally posted by grace
    I am still developing my site and need to know how I can put images that link to the rest of the site.


    Not sure exactly what you want but if you are looking for an image on the main page like we have done:
    you need to use hotspots on the image. We did the hotspots using Dreamweaver and then copied and pasted the html code generated into the text section of a fragment. Remember to place any html code between !!< and >!! so that Actinic knows its html code.

    The syntax for doing the hotspots looks like:
    <img src="acatalog/../images/homePage.jpg" width="440" height="300" border="0" usemap="#homePage" />
    <map name="homePage" id="homePage"><area shape="rect" coords="3,2,217,145" href="../acatalog/Women.html" alt="Shop for Her" />
    <area shape="rect" coords="221,3,437,145" href="../acatalog/Men.html" alt="Shop for Him" />
    <area shape="rect" coords="4,149,219,292" href="../acatalog/Little_People.html" alt="Shop for the little ones in your life" />
    <area shape="rect" coords="223,151,434,288" href="../acatalog/Home_and_Pets.html" alt="Shop for the home and pets" />
    If you don’t have access to a package that does the hotspots for you, you could use the code above as a template and replace with your own values.

    You can see how the code relates to what is seen on our opening page

    Hope that helps



      If you don't need the complexity of hotspots you can use the following code in a text only fragment:

      !!<<a href=""><img src="image.jpg" alt="Click for details" /></a>>!!

      you will obvisouly need to change, page.html, image.jpg to your own values.

      Be careful with the path to the image and with it being declared in a fragment you may need to place a copy into PreviewHTML subfolder and add it into "additional files" inside Actinic so it is uploaded to the server

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        Ehhh sounds funny but i need a step by step instruction on what you mean .I am as layman as they come.I getting there though.Can you break it down further


          What program are you editing your site with?
          Trying to squeeze my moneys worth out of V7 - but not for much longer!


            Where abouts are you wanting the images to link through to other parts of the site?


            1. site url =
            2. image name = picture.jpg
            3. image width = 100px
            4 image height = 50px
            5. page to link to = top10.html

            If it is in the side bar and you want this to appear on every page you need to open Act_Primary.html, Act_BrochurePrimary.html and Act_PrimaryCheckout.html found in the root of the site1 folder... you can get to these under Design | Options | Layouts and clicking "edit" next to the primary layouts. Before editing take a copy of the original first - they can be found at

            My computer | c: drive | program files | actinic v7 | sites | site1

            Clicking edit above will open your default editor. At the position you want to add the image and link add the following....

            <a href=""><img src="picture.jpg" alt="Click for Top 10 Products" title="Our Top Ten Items" width="100" height="50" /></a>

            ... add that to all the primary templates under Design | Options | Layout save and preview a page back under Actinic. If you don't see the new image and you are sure the code is OK you may need to place a copy of picture.jpg into the PreviewHTML folder (this is a subfolder of the site1 folder location as shown above) and also into Advanced | Additional Files inside of Actinic

            If you are wanting to place the images and links into a fragment - for use on the homepage, product pages etc - to appear in the middle of your page then use the following ...

            Add a new fragment. Enter anything for the title (or Actinic will moan) set the layout to "Text Only" and in the text area use the following:

            !!<<a href=""><img src="picture.jpg" alt="Click for Top 10 Products" title="Our Top Ten Items" width="100" height="50" /></a>>!!

            note this is essentially the same code as before wrapped between !!< and >!! this is to inform Atinic the code between is HTML and not simple plain text. Again you may need to add the picture.jpg into PreviewHTML and Additional Files.


            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


              Maybe I should have given the website thant I am making so that you can explain without using assumptions.The website is .have a long way to go as I have never developed before)

              So as you can see I have one big picture on the home page and its not a good thing at all.

              So I need 3 or 4 boxes with the images that show the categories that i want to feature on the home page.Example is the wesite

              Also please advise me if it is difficult or impossble to have some 'flicking' images on the home page just like you see on the same web website (

              Thanks in advance



                Originally posted by grace
                Maybe I should have given the website thant I am making so that you can explain without using assumptions
                The assumptions are used above so you can simply replace the assumed example values with those of your own .. so where you see you simply replace that with

                Originally posted by grace
                So I need 3 or 4 boxes with the images that show the categories that i want to feature on the home page.
                The 3 in a row images are created in 1 of 2 ways. The site you pointed at is probably using Normans donationware patch for placing products in multiple columns over at Although this is designed for product pages (Act_Primary.html) it can also be used on the brochure pages (Act_BrochurePrimary.html) ie your homepage. You can them simply add the 3 fragments with images and your text c/w links and they will appear as 3 in a row

                The second option is again to use a text only fragment as I detailed above and you can paste HTML into the text area to create either a 3 celled table or a layout using CSS if feeling adveturous... from your previous post above I think a tabled approach is going to be the better solution if you use this solution.

                Originally posted by grace
                Also please advise me if it is difficult or impossble to have some 'flicking' images on the home page
                The image on the page as shown is a Flash image - this will need to be created and then embedded again into either the template or a text only frament between !!< and >!! tags. You can alos create moving images as animated GIF files... these are easier to create although a little more simple than what Flash is able to create ... your graphics software may be able to generate animated GIF files

                SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

