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Reducing main content window width

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    Reducing main content window width

    Hi everyone, i hope things are well and you've all had a good summer(despite the weather). I'm changing the design of my site and have come accross a problem. As seen in the attached file the current width is too big for the menus/bars - and i'd like to reduce this. Is there any easy was this can be done, as theres no option to make it smaller in any of the templates. Thankyou, James
    Attached Files

    Top designer brands at discounted prices, coming soon!

    The main inner width is set under Design | Options | Site Defaults as a variable ACTSTDWIDTH

    May also be worth checking for any padding to table cells in the CatalogBody(?) templates and also the primaries.

    Not sure what the box showing "CPCompany '06...." is?

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Thanks for the reply and that would appear to be the right solution - however it has no effect on the width whatsoever... (also the CPCompany '06 is just a broken link for an image). I'v also checked for table padding and there doesnt appear to be any. I'd appreciate any other ideas people can offer - but surely this is fundamental! James

      Top designer brands at discounted prices, coming soon!


        What settings do you have in your Act_ProductLine.html .. or whichever template you are using in that layout? Could be a fixed width (or declared value) in there is causing the issue

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          I'll check it out, thanks

          Top designer brands at discounted prices, coming soon!


                <td rowspan="2" valign="TOP" align="CENTER"> NETQUOTEVAR:TEMPLATEBEGINXML NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTIMAGE </td>
                <td valign="TOP" align="LEFT" colspan="2">  
                  <a name="NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTANCHOR"><span class="actregular"><b>NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTNAME</b></span></a>
                  <span class="actxsmall">NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTREF <br>
                  NETQUOTEVAR:PRICEEXPLANATION </span><br>
                  <span class="actxsmall">NETQUOTEVAR:DISCOUNTINFO </span>
                  <span class="actxsmall">NETQUOTEVAR:OTHERINFOPROMPT </span>
                  <span class="actxsmall">NETQUOTEVAR:DATEPROMPT </span>
                <td align="LEFT" colspan="2"><span class="actxsmall">
            The only fixed variables i can see are the 'rowspan' and 'colspan'

            Top designer brands at discounted prices, coming soon!


              It is hard to see where things are coming from in a screen grab .. if you are still stuck untick the "compact cgi/html" option, preview the page in your browser and then view the source to reveal the template comment tags.

              If you have FireFox with the developer extension installed you can click on the "show table cells" to further help track down any erroneous layouts

              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                Apologies for posting several messages, by chance i'v discovered the template which contained the fixed variable 'Act_productbody'. The problem now seems to be solved, thanks again jont

                Top designer brands at discounted prices, coming soon!


                  Have you looked in Act_ProductBody.html also?

                  SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                    Originally posted by jont
                    Have you looked in Act_ProductBody.html also?
                    Posting at the same time - and with the same solutions

                    Glad you tracked it down. V7 is awash with nested templates - something not missed at all in v8

                    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                      I'm considering upgrading to v8 at the moment - but i'm annoyed because i only bought v7 4 months ago, thats life i suppose!

                      I'm not sure if you could try and help me with this but i'm trying to get a written description written underneath sub sections. This is a little hard to explain but with screenshots it'll hopefully make it easier. Basically, i'm having each product as a sub-section of the brand section. Each sub section will have an image of the product and text written under it (the price and short description). The first attached image shows the structure. However i can't get the text to appear as a description of the image - as can be seen in the second image. I'm doing something wrong but not entirely sure what Thanks, James
                      Attached Files

                      Top designer brands at discounted prices, coming soon!


                        Once again i'v solved the problem - for anyone else as stupid as me this is easily solved through 'design options' - 'sections' and unticking the images only box in the default location and arrangement of sections list. Sorry!

                        Top designer brands at discounted prices, coming soon!

