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Help with formmail

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    Help with formmail


    i have managed to find a formmail that was provided by my host.

    this is the test page that i am working on.

    few questions then about the functionality of this.

    when you submit it takes you to another page which is not what i want exactly. i need to take the customer to the main page.

    second i need it to send an email to me AND the customer with the same details.

    thirdly i have an option box for subscribe / unsubscribe. how can i put the option the customer choose to the subject of the mail that comes to me.

    I have managed to solve the redirection.

    however i cannot solve any of the other two issues.

    anybody can help?


      Formmail scripts tend to be different from each other - your host should provide a FAQ / user guide burried in their web site somewhere

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        Hi jont

        i have read the instructions (they are using this mailscript

        my problem is that i have tried to add the email address properly as it should be taken from the form but how do you define on the recipients to send on the email that is on the form.

        the same applies for the sbujest. i need to take the selected option from the drop down box. i can't for the love of god to take it and use it in the subject


          You are going to need to add the supplied email address possibly via Javascript. His script allows for multiple recipients but that is for known addresses up from - anything taken from the form will need to be added dynamically.

          May be worth having a look around for a form that works how you want out of the box

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

