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Extra extended info pages?

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    Extra extended info pages?

    I think I've got the hang of extended info pages which show larger pictures of some of my items, but is there a way of having more than 1 extended info page per item? Or putting an html link into the description to link to an ordinary webpage I can have more pictures on?

    I'm about to put up some more scrapbook kits, which until now would just have had a picture of the whole kit inside its packaging. For the newer kits I've got pictures of the contents nicely laid out, and I want to show what can be made (i.e. these 3 scrapbook pages and these 3 cards can all be made from this one kit) and have clickable links for bigger pictures...

    Or - brainwave slowly coming here - can I re-write the source code inside the info_xxxx.html webpage as if it were just one of my normal webpages?
    L'il Suzie
    "From the internet connection under the pier..."

    Why not just use the link tab on the product for an additional link to a new page.
    Fitness for life!

    DIFN - Doing nothing is not an option

    The Supplement Warehouse - Bodybuilding & Fitness Supplements


      This will allow you to put up to 3 additional popup images onto a page that are fired up by clicking 3 little icons.


      Go to Advanced / Custom Properties and create Properties


      Put the following code into Act_Primary.html just above the </head> tag.
      <script type="text/javascript">
      function popimages(extraicons, extraimages){
      var separator = '&nbsp;';		// separator between images
      var popwidth = 400;			// popup width
      var popheight = 300;			// popup height
      for ( i = 0; i < extraimages.length; i++ )
      	if ( (extraicons[i] != '') && (extraimages[i] != '') )
      		document.write('<img style="cursor:pointer"'
      				+ ' src="' + extraicons[i] + '"'
      				+ ' onclick="ShowPopUp(\'' + extraimages[i] + '\',' + popwidth + ',' + popheight + ')">'
      				+ separator);
      // -->
      Put the following code into your Product Template(s) where you want these icons to appear
      <script type="text/javascript">
      // -->


      For each extra popup image that you want do the following:

      Create an image and a small icon. Save these in your Site1 folder.

      On the Product / Properties set POPUPICON1 to the file name of the icon, check File Name
      Set POPUPIMAGE1 to the file name of the full image, check File Name

      Repeat for the other 2 icons.
      If using Business then for all these properties, clear Searchable and check Use as CUSTOMVAR.

      Note that the number of icons and images used is optional.
      If you don't set any of these properties then nothing is generated.


      The lines
      var separator = '&nbsp;';		// separator between images
      var popwidth = 400;			// popup width
      var popheight = 300;			// popup height
      can be changed to suit your needs. Changing separator to '<br>' will stack the icons.

      You can use more images by creating new Custom Properties (POPUPICON4, POPUPIMAGE4, etc) and adding to the lines

      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        Originally posted by Owen Drumm
        Why not just use the link tab on the product for an additional link to a new page.
        er, probably because I never really understood what it did?

        But - having now had a play with it, the link tab is exactly what I need - thanks very much!
        L'il Suzie
        "From the internet connection under the pier..."


          [QUOTE=NormanRouxel]This will allow you to put up to 3 additional popup images onto a page that are fired up by clicking 3 little icons.

          Wow Norman - I think this might be a little out of my league just at the moment, but I will file it away and do some serious research into how to put it into my site at a later date - just at the moment I need a quicker fix, and the Link Tab will do (am about to go on holiday so not got a lot of time to play!)

          Thanks very much for your input - I've seen your replies to other people and have always marvelled at your insight and knowledge of the product - I might just come and kidnap you sometime...! Fancy a day trip to Southend?
          L'il Suzie
          "From the internet connection under the pier..."


            You're welcome. It's not too hard to implement. But best try nothing new just before a break.

            Unfortunately Southend a bit far away as I'm in Turkey for a month or two.
            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              getting script error

              Hi Norman,
              I tried the script above to get extra info buttons on the page, but I am getting script errors. It says that it is expecting an object on line 38, which is the line that brings in the icon and the large image. I've checked the spelling of the names of the images and it's fine, I saved the images into the preview html folder too. (i'm testing it off line)

              here is the source code of the generated page:
              <script type="text/javascript">
              // -->

              I followed the instrustions so I don't know where I'm goign wrong.


                Do you have the other bit of code in your Act_Primary?

                Try looking at the page in Firefox and use it's Tools / Error Console for decent diagnostics.
                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey



                  Hi Norman,
                  It is definity in act_primary, just above the close head.
                  It is giving the error popimages is not defined, line 38.
                  looks like it's not seeing the code in act_primary as popimages?


                    As suggested use Firefox. Also do View / Source there and double-check that all the code needed has made it to the gerated page.

                    Of course, this is another case where posting an URL of a faulty page would help immensely.
                    Norman -
                    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey



                      Hi Norman,
                      Yes I'm using Firefox. When I look at the code generated in the preview html file it is as follows:
                      <script language=JavaScript>
                      <!-- V11
                      function pricepopup(cost){
                      var'' + escape(cost), 'pricepop', 'height=100,width=400,toolbar=no');

                      Where is it getting v11 from? I checked the act-primary, it's not in there, I can't put it live as I don't want to have errors on the live site. Would it be the preview that is generating this V11? It dosne't do it for the other javascripts in there like google analyitcs.


                        Hi Norman
                        Did you have any idea why the code V11 is coming up on the source code on the pages generated using the script above?


                          That bit of code is not from the extra popup pages patch described above.

                          It's from a completely different patch from my "donationware" pages.

                          Probably the one that displays alternative currencies fo a product.
                          Norman -
                          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                            To create extra pop-ups from a button I use the following which can be added into any text description. No need to make changes to the main program thus avoiding possible conflicts. Change the zzzzz to the name you want on the button and the xxxxx.jpg to suit your graphics file name. Alter the 650,500 to suit the size you want the pop-up window to be. You can have several on a page if you wish. I keep this script in a Word document, along with other bits of script, so I can just copy and past as required.

                            !!<<input type=button value="zzzzz"onclick="ShowPopUp('xxxxx.jpg',650,500)">>!!


                            Should have added - make sure you add the graphics file in 'advanced/additional file' to upload the file if it's not already uploaded to your site.
                            Last edited by davidbenson; 08-Jun-2007, 09:10 AM. Reason: Extra Info

