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widening product column

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    widening product column

    hope someone can help me:

    is there any way of widening these columns so there isn't so much white space either side.

    It's a long list of over 60 products and so involves a lot of scrolling down as it is. I suspect many shoppers will get fed up and not scroll down very far.

    any advice will be much appreciated
    Jane Thurnell-Read
    200 Plus Weight Loss Tips

    500 Plus Health And Happiness Tips

    The product column is occupying all the space it has available ... you have a narrow fixed width design with a right hand navigation bar taking up some of the overall space and then the products are occupying the rest.

    Your options are to either move the right hand column (not really practical) or to widen the overall page design - resixing my browser to 800px wide still shows white space either side so you could easily gain about another 100+ pixels for the product column.

    You will need to edit the primary templates in use .... check these under Design | Options | Layouts and click "edit" next to the main templates in use (these are by default Act_Primary.html, Act_BrochurePrimary.html and Act_PriamryCheckout.html) ... as always best to take a copy of these templates before starting work (found in the root of the site1 folder)

    Depending on how the site has been created you may also need to tweak the value of ACTSTDWIDTH under Design | Options | Site Defaults ..... possibly the product layout in use and possibly Act_ProductBody.html as a starter ... due to Actinics nesting of templates be prepared for some hunting if the page does not extend as desired.


    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      gosh, Jonty, this sounds a bit complicated for a mere mortal like me!

      I'm hoping to upgrade to v8 at the beginning of October, so I'm wondering if it would be better to wait till then.

      thanks, though, I may take my courage in both hands and have a go.

      Jane Thurnell-Read
      200 Plus Weight Loss Tips

      500 Plus Health And Happiness Tips

