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Directories ? - using Wizard to connect & upload

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    Directories ? - using Wizard to connect & upload

    I do hope that someone can shed some light on ‘Directories’ folders using wizard to connect.

    I had my website on another server and needed to upload on a new Fasthost server. I have put in the parameters into the Actinic Wizard – so it is looking for cgi-bin. The folders in the server do appear but I cannot find a cgi-bin in any folders or sub-folders. The only folders that appeared were vti- . So I knocked out the word cgi-bin from the search but Actinic thinking that it would find ALL folders but it only came with a blank folder and now I am stuck! How do I find all the folders on the server –what do I need to do with ‘wizard’ to point it in the right direction. What is the ‘normal layout of the folders in a server? Maybe if the first folder appears then the cgi-bin will be down the list?

    Found the problem but now wizard hangs

    Well - because I didnt get any support form my hosting company, I couldn't get into the c.panel either until I had the site up. Because Actinic wouldnt configure, I thought, if I put any old stuff on the domain via Frontpage it would get me up and running. It did just that although I couldnt see it. After digging around I have found the vti were Frontpage. The exersize had some effect as I can now access the control panel!

    Here is the problem, if it is an issue - I have 2 folders : a Public_html and a www and both have a cgi_bin . Which one should I direct Actinic to use? Does it matter. Is this why Actinic is hanging?

    I have uninstalled the Frontpage from c.panel and deleted the files uploaded by it and Actinic still hangs !


      Have you searched the forum using fasthosts as the search keyword.

      You will probably find a sample network settings file if you do this



        Yes I have looked through the settings and they are the same so have had many tries at connecting and I have got to the 'Directories' section and the Folders appear. One step forwards than before BUT I have put forwards both
        /pulic_html/cgi-bin in the CGI-BIN Directory and
        /pulic_html in the Web Root Directory
        and it wont take!

        I then tried the
        /www/cgi-bin in the CGI-BIN Directory and
        /www/cgi-bin in the Web Root Directory
        and it wont take!

        I even created a folder in Cpanel for acatalog as a sub-folder for cgi-bin to try and fool it but nothing .

        Then, when I got the fault error 'must be the server down etc' I ignored it and pushed it onwards and things seemed to happen and looked like it was loading but then came back and said there was no cgi-bin folder!

        I am so stuck ?!


          So far the Actinet Wizard has gone all the way through to the point of picking the cgi-bin and Web directory.

          Every time I confirm the buttons on ‘Directories’, a warning message comes up saying:

          “An error occurred while sending HTTP request to the Server. Perhaps your network is down or that Web server is down. Try it again or contact your network administrator or ISP to correct the situation.”

          I have tried it again and again ad nauseam; trying variations of what has been put on Actinic Community but nothing makes it move on. I read it could be the FTP Manager but where/what to look for?

          After managing to get into the Server Control Panel and looking at the FTP folders, I have found that I can see the list of CGI scripts as listed elsewhere in the Actinic Community! They were not there before when I looked. But the scripts are not seen from the Actinet wizard directory only viewing from the control panel, FTP Manager. Here is what I have see: attached Word Doc
          CGI Files Viewing from the control

          Am I right in thinking that I should not be able to see the script and they should be inside the CGI folder. if so, how do I get them into the folder? I do not know whether actinic has put them outside or whether it’s laid out incorrectly.

          I see that one problem could be in thinking I have FTP permission but not having it in reality, which could affect upload. So digging into the FTP Session Control FTP Manager I came up with this just after: See also on Word Doc. Attached

          I am now getting to the point of having a lot of information but not knowing what to do next. Any advice would be much appreciated.


            Open a new Internet Explorer session by clicking the IE icon on your desktop and type or paste the following line into the address bar.


            when the authentication box comes up, use the first username in your list and the correct password for that account (If you need to change that password, you should be able to do that from the control panel by clicking on the identity (name)).

            If you find you are on the root of the server (both www and public_html show as closed folders) then using the ftp address on the line above, and the same username and password, complete the right hand upper portion of the Advanced | Network Settings in Actinic.

            I would then suggest you find posted settings which show a path to cgi-bin of /public_html/cgi-bin and interpret the rest of your settings from that posting.
            Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
            BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
            Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
            VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
            Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


              Hi Bill & thanks for some input

              I copied and pasted like you said
              but I get the message says

              Windows cannot access this folder. Make sure you typed the file name correctly and that you have permission to access the folder.
              220 ---- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS]-----
              220-You are user number 1 of 50 allowed.
              220-Local time is now 10:S0. Server port: 21. .
              22a This is a private system - No anonymous login
              220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
              530 This is a private system - No anonymous login

              …….so no authentication box comes up. Is there another way?


                Yes, there are other ways.

                Do you have a stand alone FTP programme? If not, several are available for free trial (and indeed many remain free). You can type the same detail into one of these (server name is the ftp:// line) username and password, and see if that can connect.

                Or - you can include the username and password in the Browser address bar

                Last edited by wjcampbe; 14-Sep-2006, 04:08 PM. Reason: eliminate the :p smiley
                Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                  After going back over the FTP File Manager, it has suddenly dawned on me that the information i had seen .....ref earlier ‘Word Document’ is actually a list of all files that are all in the www folder! Furthermore, because the way in which these folders are laid out I now know that there are NO cgi scripts in the cgi-bin! Only in the “www folder.”
                  Family tree of Folders

                  / ( Current folder)
                  this sub-folder had 2 folders a) sccgi-bin which I created accidentally and have now deleted and b) cgi-bin which has 3 files,

                  The other thing I have spotted is that I have the ability to ‘browse’ my computer and upload to the folders into the Servers Control Panel so,

                  Can I load the files that actinic is looking for in the right places. i.e. do I get the cgi-bin files from Site 1 to load the cgi script and does the Control Panel need a recognised extension?
                  Can I load the whole Actinic Site into acatalog the same way?
                  Is there a danger in doing this ?


                    Sorry Bill

                    You replied while I was finding more stuff out ...... the answer is no, I did not get & use the FTP program like (WS_FTP, CuteFTP,etc) as I thought that Actinic was clever enough to do it all for me ! haha . Now maybe I could upload stuff via this FTP program?


                      Maybe you could, but since you want to download orders for processing with Actinic, it might be better to get Actinic working.
                      Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                      BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                      Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                      VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                      Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                        Hi Bill

                        Yes we need to get the Actinic working properly and your saying there are no short-cuts, so I will get a FTP prog aabd take it from there.




                          Ok, so I got the FTP Prgram (CuteFTP) and see the Folders as I saw them on the Control Panel.

                          I have gone over the Actinic Network Settings and 'Wizard' takes me through to 'Directories' and makes these suggestions

                          /pulic_html/cgi-bin in the CGI-BIN Directory and
                          /pulic_html in the Web Root Directory

                          I click next and comes back with

                          “An error occurred while sending HTTP request to the Server. Perhaps your network is down or that Web server is down. Try it again or contact your network administrator or ISP to correct the situation.”
                          teand it wont take!

                          What do I do now ? - I have run out of ideas



                            I have trawled through the Community Site looking for the exact situation I have but cannot see the same situation. I do see other issues but cannot find any help as a similar situation.

                            I decided to delete the ‘acatalog’ folder I created and also the cgi-bin scripts mentioned before expecting the wizard to create it for me but have hit a brick wall with “An error occurred while sending HTTP request to the Server. Perhaps your network is down or that Web server is down. Try it again or contact your network administrator or ISP to correct the situation.” keeps coming up and find no way round it . Any suggestions?


                              If you contact Actinic Support by phone, they may be able to work through this with you.

                              Alternatively, you could email me (click my name on the left), the ftp username/password [you do not want to post that sort of thing here, Google publishes the content of this forum worldwide] and I can try to upload a basic Actinic site to your webspace and then export the settings for you to import at your end.
                              Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                              BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                              Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                              VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                              Located: Alexandria, EGYPT

