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Problem with my advanced search! Please help

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    Problem with my advanced search! Please help

    Hi everyone,

    I am having problems with the advanced search whereby the 'price range' section no longer works!

    In the past if i clicked on 'price range' £0.00 to £10.00, all the items within that price range would come up. It now however only works for £40-£100!!

    I had placed the search links in the homepage to simplify the search & it worked for a while!

    I am unsure what i did, please help!

    Thank you very much for any assistance.

    I searched for 'gifts' in 0-10 and 10-20 and both times is came back with items only in those ranges, so it works for me...

    Whenever I get 'strange' results on my websites, but it works for everyone else, the usual fix is to delete your cookies and temporary internet files... Not sure if that would work in this case as I don't know if the search creates any temporary local files, but if no-one else replies it's worth a try...


      Thanks for your suggestion & reply.

      I didnt have to type anything in the search before to get results! i get results too if i type 'gift'

      In the past, I would simply click on the 'price range' & get results that way.

      Try it on £40-£100 without typing in anything in the search box - it works for me then but not with other price ranges.

      Please see the homepage above the big image on the page, you will see that I have tried to categorise the search ie gifts for under £10 etc

      typing in a keyword such as 'gift' in the box search brings out results but not all of them in that price range! Any ideas!

      Many thanks


        well at the moment I'm just getting the error - "Catalog is unable to locate the details of a product that was found in the search. The web site is probably being updated. Please wait a few minutes and try again. If the problem persists, contact us." - crikey, and I thought uploading was supposed to be harmless...

        Please see the homepage above the big image on the page, you will see that I have tried to categorise the search ie gifts for under £10 etc

        typing in a keyword such as 'gift' in the box search brings out results but not all of them in that price range! Any ideas!
        Not sure what you mean here... are you saying that you would type the search term into the quick search box, then click on the "<£10 <£20 etc" links? if so, then as a customer I wouldn't have figured that out...


          Thanks again

          Yes exactly that's the error I am getting!

          I have refreshed the site & I am still getting the same error message.

          As with regards to the search on the homepage, I was only explaining why I need this sorted out! as the result links would be placed on the homepage.


            ok, sort the error out first, try these threads -




              Thanks for the threads.

              I have tried both threads but unfortunately without sucess!

              I have now deleted the search sections in the homepage for the time being.

              I dont know why refreshing the site doesnt work! Here's my search code in case I altered it in any way although I dont think I did! but you never know!

              <!-- SearchTemplate HTML begin -->
              <!-- Add Search Page header HTML here -->
              <input type=HIDDEN name="PAGE" value="SEARCH">
              <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="CUSTOMVAR:ACTSTDWIDTH" align="CENTER">
                  <td colspan=2 valign=TOP align=LEFT><p>&nbsp;</p> 
                  <td valign="TOP" align="center">
              <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3 width="CUSTOMVAR:ACTSTDWIDTH">
                        <td valign="TOP"> <b>NETQUOTEVAR:SEARCHSTRING</b><br>
                          <input type=TEXT name="SS" size=40 maxsize=255>
                          <input type=RADIO name="TB" checked value="A">
                          <input type=RADIO name="TB" value="O">
                          <script language="JavaScript">
              				for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < document.forms.length; nIndex++)
              			 	  if (document.forms[nIndex] && document.forms[nIndex].SS)
              			   // -->
                        <td valign="TOP"> <b>NETQUOTEVAR:PRICERANGELABEL</b><br>
                          NETQUOTEVAR:PRICERANGECONTROL </td>
                        <td colspan=2 valign="BOTTOM"> <b>NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONCONTROLLABEL</b><br>
                          NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONCONTROL </td>
                        <td colspan=2 valign="BOTTOM"> 
                          <input type=SUBMIT name=ACTION value="NETQUOTEVAR:SEARCHLABEL">
              <!-- Add Search Page footer HTML here -->
              <!-- SearchTemplate HTML end -->


                go and get the search templates from the themes folder and replace your ones, also replace the search sripts from the original folder and refresh

                This should revert your site to having no amends done by you

