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more than one reference to a product; why actinic doesn't want it?

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    more than one reference to a product; why actinic doesn't want it?

    The online store i'm setting up for my client deals with clothes. We start off by branching the visitor either to the spring-summer section or the fall-winter section. Spring clothes have a reference number beginning with 'E', winter items' reference codes begin with 'H'. Some products, however, are meant to be available from both (an item that's "summer" as well as "fall", let's say) and their ref code begins with 'EH'.
    This translates into making, in some instances, two copies of the same product (or the same subsection, whatever). But there's a catch: actinic does not accept duplicate product reference number. But why isn't this #### software smart enough to handle two logical references to the same product? And what is the way around this limitation, aside from having to change the database itself?

    pissed off lazyeye

    Not sure when product duplicates was introduced - either v7 or v8 handle duplicate products, v8 even more skillfully than v7.

    To make a duplicate, right click the original product [add]and choose copy[end add], highlight the section/page where you want the duplicate, right click and choose 'paste as duplicate'. Actinic adds x! in front of the original product number, where x is a incremental number based on how many duplicates of this product you have. (example 1!EH1213 for product ref EH1213)

    If this does not work in v6, then it would seem your option is to upgrade.
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      Thanks. I use version 5, which is my client's, and upgrading is not an option for him right now. Bummer. I've told him to make the required changes to the product database itself.


        product duplicates are not in v6


          You can have two logical references point to the same product. You just can't have two identical product references as that would screw up the database.

          The way to do this manually is to create an identical product with a different reference (I usually append a code to the original reference, say xxxxB1). Then add a component to the product that references the original as the underlying product). This way the product can appear twice on the website but the stock control, etc is still based on the original product.


          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



            I can vouch for the fact that Mike's method works too.
            I've had the occasional product that (for some bizarre reason which I couldn't be bothered to investigate!) wouldn't duplicate without an error message (in V7) so I did what Mike detailed about.
            It's messy (from an Actinic POV, compared to a straight duplicate) but it's a viable option!



              Can you explain a little more about adding a component?

              When i create another product and click "new component" it gives me a message about Ctrl-X and then Ctrl-V.

              Although i understand this i cannot work out why it isnt working?


              PS, i am trying to achieve a gift ideas section, that will allow me to feature products in a new section, whilst still existing in their original category.


                You would only get that message if you already have an attribute set up under the product. You will need to cut the attribute and paste to another product or delete, then create a 'New Component' under the product. You can then associate the component to the original product.

                Kind regards,
                Bruce King

