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Quote for a javascript menu development?

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    Quote for a javascript menu development?

    Hi all

    I have been trying to make a change to my left hand navigation functionality but have failed miserably. I think it is possible but just don’t have the knowledge.

    Can anyone recommend a developer of Java menus that I can give me a quote to make the amendments I require?

    I have included the original requirements here.

    Kind regards

    KJ Beckett
    Men's Clothing & Accessories
    Cufflinks, Underwear, Ties, Grooming Products
    Bath, England
    Fast delivery to UK, USA and worldwide.
    Men's Fashion Blog

    Hi Paul,

    Have a look at my menus. I got them free from who have a host of javascript menus you might be able to use. Its sound like you're looking for a two-tone operation - part click for options and part slide-out. You seem to have the click part working but the slide-out is causing you grief. The dynamic drive system allows you to define individual menus, so you could have several of these (as opposed to one big menu structure like me) and attach them to each of the options. (Does this make sense?)

    Alan Compton
    Great board games and cards games you won't find in the High Street



      In your other thread you said "I do not want all of the subsections to appear - only selected ones".

      It is possible to inhibit NorCascade from displaying certain top-level sections (and even add some custom links as well). There are posts about this on
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey



        Thanks ... and thanks for your description of my problem. I had been struggling to articulate it properly! Yes I am trying to get to a two-part operation:

        Part 1 is working. This is a click to display options (links).

        Part 2 (not working) is some of the options (not all) would be slide-out. The slide out would then display further options (links). You are using this part of the functionality on your menu - see "Card Games" on your left hand nav.

        What I really want to do is exactly the same functionality as your menu, but it only appears once the user has clicked on a display menu button!

        So it seems like I have to understand how to intergrate part 2 where-ever I need a slide-out OR use the same code as your menu (which addresses part 2) and then find out how to overlay part 1 on the top.

        Kind regards

        KJ Beckett
        Men's Clothing & Accessories
        Cufflinks, Underwear, Ties, Grooming Products
        Bath, England
        Fast delivery to UK, USA and worldwide.
        Men's Fashion Blog


          Hi Alan

          Actually, can you confirm which menu you used?

          I think I would like to try and build my menu using this one from see if it possible to add the ability to hide and display it.

          I do think I will get in a muddle with this so if there is anyone who can recommend a developer who I can pay/donate to I would still be interested!

          KJ Beckett
          Men's Clothing & Accessories
          Cufflinks, Underwear, Ties, Grooming Products
          Bath, England
          Fast delivery to UK, USA and worldwide.
          Men's Fashion Blog


            Actually - I have found it: DHTML Menu v5.7


            KJ Beckett
            Men's Clothing & Accessories
            Cufflinks, Underwear, Ties, Grooming Products
            Bath, England
            Fast delivery to UK, USA and worldwide.
            Men's Fashion Blog



              As I am still struggling with this I would appreciate any recommendations regarding Javascript developers who may be able to quote me for building a template.

              I can be emailed at office AT

              Kind regards

              KJ Beckett
              KJ Beckett
              Men's Clothing & Accessories
              Cufflinks, Underwear, Ties, Grooming Products
              Bath, England
              Fast delivery to UK, USA and worldwide.
              Men's Fashion Blog


                Hi All,

                really sorry to open up an old thread but having tried to implement this dhtml menu I would like to ask....

                How do you make this replace the menu on the left? I use the smart them in
                V7 and it justs sits to the left of my current menu.

                I have searched the forums but cannot find anything.

                Thanks in advance



                "Life's a bitch, then you die!!!!"



                  You have to comment-out (or remove) the Actinic code that causes the old menu to appear. If the new menu is DHTML, it probably has a parameter to set its physical position on the page


                    Thanks Alan, will look for that and comment it out. I found the parameters to position the menu but for nicety's sake want to remove the old menu.




                    "Life's a bitch, then you die!!!!"


