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Auto inserting product name into e-mail subject line

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    Auto inserting product name into e-mail subject line

    Using developer v6.1.4. I am trying to insert code into the Product Details - Full Description window which will embed a link saying "Click here to enquire about this product". I can get this to work with a standard subject but would like to automatically embed the individual product's name into the subject line of the e-mail. Have tried the following code within the product's 'Full Description' window:

    !!<<A HREF="">Click here to enquire about this product</A>>!!

    When I preview the product, the link looks OK, and if I click on it, it opens the new e-mail window, but the subject line is just:
    NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTNAME I clearly need to insert something else into the code to make it automatically insert the specific product’s name.

    Can anyone advise what I need to change in above code, or how I can achieve this?


    I don't think netquotevars work within embedded html.

    You could copy and edit the product template to include your modified mailto and it should then work.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      NETQUOTEVARS in embedded code?

      Originally posted by olderscot
      I don't think netquotevars work within embedded html.
      Can anyone else confirm that?

      Please see
      Look at the links "Click here to enquire about this product & to receive a price list by return". That's just the sort of link I am after. I assumed this was done via embedded code in the product description.

      If it can't be done that way, can anyone please confirm the code I'd need to embed into my product template in order to achieve this?



        Open your product template and put the mailto code in the bottom of the template without the !!< and >!! around it.


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          I assumed this was done via embedded code in the product description.
          As the designer of the SPK site I can confirm the code is in the product template.

          if you put the code into each product's full description you might just as well hard code the product ref into the mailto link.

          by placing it in the template you use the value inthe NQV, thus one line of code will populate every product automatically

          see this KB


            OK, will do. Thanks for the clarification.

