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Trouble using search outside of Actinic

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    Trouble using search outside of Actinic

    Hi all,

    I am developing a set of HTML banners for a client who is using Actinic as his shopping software.

    The banners will not reside on his website, but will be displayed on external websites.

    The banners I am creating contain a search form in HTML, the search works fine apart from one major problem. I have tried testing this from my external server, when the search is submitted, it seems that Actinic is setting a cookie of the page the search form was executed from, and causing the site executing the search too display incorrect images and paths, in this case my sire url undesirably replaces the clients url.

    I have looked through many of the posts on this forum, but cannot see anything wrong with my form code,

    the link containg the banner is :

    hope somone can help ..

    Kind Regards

    The links on that page give a 403 Forbidden error.

    Also I see that the top link goes to

    but your Actinic generated pages use

    <Actinic:BASEHREF VALUE=""/>

    note that www!
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Hi Norman,

      Thanks, I have tried as you suggested but it hasn't worked.

      The problem is that I conducting the search from an external webpage

      the search is submitted to the main site (prezziesplus), but everything on the page is broken in terms of link locations, as they all seem to refer to the website that submitted thhe search (the external site,

      I have also noticed once the search is submitted and I view the source of the page, I can see the following

      <BASE HREF="">

      which is incorrect as it should refer to prezziesplus.

      I look forwrad to hearing any thoughts on this, and anyone with the same problem who has managed to resolve it.

      Kind Regards


        It seems to work for me.

        I go to and enter "Red" in the search box. Up comes a list of product. I click the first one (1.Mathmos Space Projector (Mathmos Space Projector ) £69.00) and see it fine. It Adds to Cart OK.

        I still am shopping on but the Cart is on
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          When I go to your banner, type in "cards", I get taken to www.prezziesplus, then click on a product from the search results, I get taken back to good2shop. Also, no images are showing on the prezzies search results page, and most of the image links take me back to the main good2shop page, despite the link addresses in prezziesplus suggesting that they should link to different content pages in good2shop (delivery etc) - could be a local IE thing?

          Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


            Hi Mark,

            Thanks for your reply, that is the problem that is occuring with me, once I submit the search I get taken to Prezzies webbsite, but the links point backk to my site, which shouldn't be the case, but I have little idea why it is occuring. A cookie is being set somewhere I assume, will try this out on a different server to see if the problem is isloated too one server or not !



              I think Mark is actually getting the same result I am. Clicking a link which shows a path of good2shop/clients/prezziesplus I end up at this location

     after first hovering around a good2buy ca000777 COOKIERROR page
              Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
              BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
              Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
              VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
              Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                Banner Saerchbox Problem

                I've now taken out the instruction to use relative Urls for the Cgi bin and it seems to work ok for me, could anyone with the time please test on thier machine and post if it works for them now,


                  Tried twice after clearing the old page from my cache.

                  First time, typed red in the box and clicked search, almost immediately went to

                  Second time, tried board as the search term - saw a url for the search script id flash up, and then went to
                  Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                  BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                  Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                  VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                  Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                    cookie error

                    Thanks Bill, I have tried it on a fresh machine with no cookies and it works fine, your machine seems to have cookies disabled by default, is this correct?


                      John - I believe you just hit on the answer. I have third party cookies blocked - and, of course, in this situation prezziesplus are a third party.

                      I accept cookies from the domain I am visiting, but avoid all the tracking cookies I can.
                      Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                      BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                      Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                      VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                      Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                        Me too - this is the "medium" setting in "Privacy" in IE's internet options dialog - I suspect a lot people use at least this setting.

                        Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


                          3rd party Cookie Blocking

                          next question is, does anyone know how to link a search box outside of Actinic and avoid 3rd Party Cookie blocking?

                          It seems that every time you try to do something with Actinic outside of the basics, there is always a problem.


                            The "Medium" and "Medium High" settings in IE (I'm still on v6) both "block third party cookies that don't have a compact privacy policy" - I'm no expert but could Actinic provide their cookies with a CPP? Any setting above "Medium High" would probably stop Actinic working anyway so we can disregard these.

                            Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories

