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template changes for unique products

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    template changes for unique products

    Hi there,

    I would like to add a link to a popup page to each product I have in my catalogue. Each of the popup pages will be unique to that product and has it's own html page. I have changed the template of my product page to allow the popup to appear in Act_ProductLine.html, however the links for all the different products go to the same page. Is there a way of forcing Actinic to allow the changes I make to one product's template NOT to affect the other product's template?

    Thanks for any help!

    Could you use CUSTVAR custom variables ???
    Building:- Glen Gilchrist
    Building:- Glen Gilchrist personal site


      I only have ACTSTDWIDTH and ACTCSSFONT FAMILY in the Customer Property Value field.

      I want to change the html for a SINGLE product without affecting the rest of the products - adding a popup with more information. I have tried to use the Extended Information to use Actinic's version of a Popup page however, when I put in the html file I want to pop up in the popup Page, Page Name field, I get an error message stating it's name is already in use ie. the file I have created to be popped up.



        Hi ya

        Sorry I missunderstand your query.

        The standard pop up will generate unique html for each product you would like a pop up to appear on.

        Not sure what you mean by "however the links for all the different products go to the same page"...

        The Product | Extended Information option generates a new html page unique to each product.

        To add html to the pop up, surround the html fragment with !!< >!!

        Are you looking to automate the process via embedding this into a template??
        Building:- Glen Gilchrist
        Building:- Glen Gilchrist personal site


          Hi Hilary

          The popup page created from the 'Extended Information' tab can be used to display an image or text. However, if you have already created pages that you want products to link to, your best bet is the instructions from the AUG - copied below:

          Note: This will allow you to open your own custom pages within Actinic, rather than the standard 'Extended Info' pages that Actinic already generates.
          To simply include a link as part of your full description to pop open a custom page, include code similar to the following within your full description:
          !!<<a href="javascript:ShowPopUp('',800,600)">Click here</a>>!!
          !!<<input type=button value="Visit the Manufacturer" onclick="ShowPopUp('',800,600)">>!!
          Where '' is the URL to open (this can just be a filename) and '800' and '600' are the desired widths and heights of the window.

          Ben Popplestone
          Ecommerce website software


            Thanks to both of you for your help!

            I am going to use a mixture of the two solutions to solve my problem and know how to link to other html pages that I create in the future.



