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Please review new 1 product per section site (Crazy Dave's)

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    Please review new 1 product per section site (Crazy Dave's)

    Hi, my new site (Crazy Dave's) is now uploaded and in the final testing phase.

    I would be grateful for any comments or feedback on any aspect of the site, but especially on the usability side. When developing it's very easy to design the site how you yourself would use it and assume everyone else will use it in the same way - so it will be interesting to see how 'real' users will do...

    If these are products you would normally buy then could you try to find the exact make and model you would buy? Did you find it easily? Did it take several attempts (what did you search on initially and why didn't it work?) or couldn't you find it at all (what are you searching for?)

    This is also designed as a 1 product per section site, which is a topic that was hot a while ago, hopefully this is a good example of that idea in practice...

    Note: Although I haven't launched the site yet it is live, as are the payment systems. If you want to place a real order you can. If you want to place a test order to see my lovely checkout then choose to pay 'by cheque' then just put a note in the delivery field that it is a test order.



    Has nobody else replied? It looks good. Menu on the right - radical!

    A couple of little things:
    The price shown in the search results is not the prduct prices (I was searching on "Laserjet 4")
    Should the Ts & Cs have that sentence that says "Cazy Daves .. is a trading name of Tao Technologies Ltd". I notice Tao gets a mention way down the Ts, and looks a little out of place.

    I know where I'm getting my next toner cartridge from.



      Has nobody else replied?
      lol, I know, no suggestions or critisism - it must be perfect already!

      The price shown in the search results is not the prduct prices (I was searching on "Laserjet 4")
      wow your're right - what the hecks happening there?

      Should the Ts & Cs have that sentence that says "Cazy Daves .. is a trading name of Tao Technologies Ltd".
      It does right at the top of the T&C's, at least where I'm looking (checkout and on the contact page) - where are you looking?
      Last edited by jxm28788; 21-Sep-2006, 04:24 PM. Reason: added the bit about the contact page


        Menu down the right is more ergonomic, although its not so intuitive.

        As for one product per page, the site is using extended info pages so technically its not true one product per page. You should check you are calling the extended info in a way that a search engine can spider it.

        true one product per section has the following structure


        this page
        has several products


          A couple of things (just my personal opinions):

          1. I don't like the nav on the RHS - I find it a pain going from RHS to LHS to go from a section to subsection. Also it leaves a lot of wasted white space on the LHS.
          2. I notice you stress the fact that people shouldn't trust sites that only have a P O Box address (and I agree) but I would also be very wary of a site that didn't have a phone number in the contact details or at least in the T&Cs.
          3. Your logo could do with a link to your homepage.
          4. Your homepage needs some umph. I think it needs some drastic small graphics to draw the eye.

          The site's simple straight forward and fast and it wish it well for you but I don't think it's as good as your other two.


            Personally I have no problem with the conpmay info given in T&C. Its quite clear it says who you are and how you can be found. I don't suppose it woulf take a rocket scientist to find a phone no for Tao. It also states quite clearly why you don;t have a phone service.

            I feel you can get away with no phone as the big guys also do it - ie Amazon, ebuyer etc


              Originally posted by pinbrook
              As for one product per page, the site is using extended info pages so technically its not true one product per page. You should check you are calling the extended info in a way that a search engine can spider it.
              I'm not using extended info though...
              That page is a section. That section contains 5 subsections, each of which contains one product. The 5 items you can see in that section are all duplicates, and the 'more info' button links to the subsection containing the actual product... hope that makes sense.

              This is the code for the more info button -

              <a href="C8061A-Toner-Cartridge-Black-HP-Laserjet-4100DTN-NC.html"><img src="more-toner-cartridge-information-button.gif" border="0" height="25" width="120"></a>

              Hopefully the spiders can see the product pages via the button(?)


                Sorry to divert the thread but I just noticed this ad on Google Adwords:
                Tao Technologies Ltd
                Find Tao Technologies Ltd!
                Buy Tao Technologies Ltd on eBay

                Yet another ripped ad - see this thread:


                  One thing I noticed (or didn't notice) was a sitemap. It would probably a good idea to consider adding one.


                    Originally posted by drounding
                    One thing I noticed (or didn't notice) was a sitemap. It would probably a good idea to consider adding one.
                    There is a link from the homepage, and i uploaded it to google sitemaps as well...


                      Originally posted by drounding
                      Yet another ripped ad - see this thread:
                      That doesn't bother me too much, I mean who's going to follow tht link to ebay? Anyone searching for my name is obviously looking for me not a specific product (in this specific case, i can see how it would be annoying for other examples)

                      btw. how do they do that? A lot of the shopping sites do that sort of thing as well - they just pick out one of the keywords an put it in the title of the ad. They must be using something clever - is that something we have access to...?


                        Sitemap. Aah found it - tucked away. Will Google like it like that?
                        I had a problem with the gss.xsl stylesheet when trying to view it (the gss.xsl stylesheet is missing) - although the links are obviously in the source.


                          Originally posted by jxm28788
                          btw. how do they do that?
                          I wish I knew - I'd like to advertise my sites when anyone searches for ebay!


                            Originally posted by drounding
                            3. Your logo could do with a link to your homepage.
                            for ease of use or to make the homepage look 'popular' to the search engines?
                            4. Your homepage needs some umph. I think it needs some drastic small graphics to draw the eye.,
                            I deliberatly left it clear and simple, but yes it does look plain - any ideas? Also, I figure that most people will arrive directly onto a product page anyway, rather than the homepage.


                              Originally posted by drounding
                              Sitemap. Aah found it - tucked away. Will Google like it like that?
                              I had a problem with the gss.xsl stylesheet when trying to view it (the gss.xsl stylesheet is missing) - although the links are obviously in the source.
                              crikey, don't try and view it - it's HUGE, there's something like 6000 lines in it!!! That's why I didn't make it obvious, it's for the spiders not users. Do you think google will object...?

