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Text Link to Images

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    Text Link to Images


    I am looking for a way that I can have a series of text links listed in a fragment that will each display a different image when clicked. I have the images saved in my SITE1 folder.

    Why? - I have a series of dog guards that are specific to certain makes of car. I have the car models together with the product codes for those models detailed in a series of images. So... I would like a piece of text that says, for example "Alfa Romeo, Audi, BMW" as a hyperlink to the image.

    Any suggestions??

    Rob Wynn

    If just in a text fragment you can achieve this with any suitable script found out on the internet.

    Norman has a couple of plug-ins that may be of use over at including NORMAP and Dynamic Product Images and well worth checking out as they may achieve what you are seeking.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      You can have these appear in a popup window quite easily.

      Lets say you have images files alpha_popup.jpg, audi_popup.jpg and bmw_popup.jpg. In your product description put
      <a href="javascript:ShowPopUp('alpha_popup.jpg',400,300)">Alpha Romeo</a>
      <a href="javascript:ShowPopUp('audi_popup.jpg',400,300)">Audi</a>
      <a href="javascript:ShowPopUp('bmw_popup.jpg',400,300)">BMW</a>
      And add the files alpha_popup.jpg, audi_popup.jpg and bmw_popup.jpg to Advanced / Additional file.

      The 400,300 is the width and height of the popup window.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        Open a new PRODUCT (e.g. all dog-guards the same price) and under the <General> tab, into the <Full Description> area type (or copy & paste) this, including the opening & closing symbols:

        !!<This guard is available to fit <A HREF="" target="_blank">Alfa Romeo, Audi, BMW</A> and <A HREF="" target="_blank">Chrysler, Mercedes</A>, click the links to see pictures of the actual guard in place.>!!

        If you test this (Press [Ctrl + A]) you will see I have linked to two pictures ALREADY on your site. Change the names '3296.jpg' & 'racpb2.jpg' to the unique name of your new pictures... AND THEN YOU MUST go to Advanced | Additional Files, browse to those images then click [Add] so that when you upload the site those images are picked up from the Site1 folder and put on to the server.

        (When you add a picture within Actinic, it transports that one automatically. Because you are creating an html link outside of Actinic, you need to get those files to the server independently)

        target="_blank" causes a new window to open.

        !!< and >!! tells Actinic that what is in between uses html. Search the web for html tutorials, you can get it much fancier than this ten minute reply, and it's pretty easy for us novices!

        You can also do this in Fragments - your home page 'Welcome to Just Spaniels' would benefit from some extra pictures!

        I see on posting that Norman has been busy at the same time, does the man never sleep? Thanks, Norman, I'm going to try your version too!
        Last edited by Paul Bulpit; 22-Sep-2006, 10:18 PM. Reason: Crossed posts
        Paul - the UK's largest online supplier of Fresh Flower Merchandising Stands

        Using V10.2 with Norman's brilliantly simple TABBER.


          Thanks for all the advice!!! Time to call it a day I think for now and I'll have a bash at it in the morning. Thanks again.

          Rob Wynn


            I noticed a bug in my #3 post above. I've edited #3 to fix it.
            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

