Dave - I'll presume that you are familiar with Fireworks (8 in my case) batch processing, and that you know that you can't do it using the standard commands, but what you can do quite easily is to add one or more new commands.
Have fun!
- Back up all the images you intend to batch process (batch processing can cause a lot of damage in a short space of time if you don't get it right first time).
- Open Fireworks - you need to be able to see the panels (usually to the right) and in particular the "Frames and History" panel - expand this panel so that you can see the two tabs "Frames" and "History" - choose the History tab.
- Click on the "options" button near this tab and clear the history if it is not already clear.
- Open a copy of one of the images you want to process.
- Modify | Canvas | Canvas size to 300x300, making sure that the original image is centered using the centre anchor button - it should be by default.
- The image should now look like you want it to.
- You should now see that there is one history step ("Crop Document") in the History panel - select this step by clicking on it once.
- Click on the little floppy disk icon - "save steps as a command" - name the command in the dialog box eg "300 centre crop".
- You should now see "300 centre crop" as a command in the batch processing options under commands (click on the little cross to see all the commands) - this can now be used together with the other standard options (or other commands you might save, such as make background transparent....).
- Saved commands can be managed under Commands | Manage Saved Commands.
Have fun!