I have recently purchased a dedicated server Windows 2003 from Pipex I have set up IIS 6.0 installed Perl & CGI scripts.
My Network settings are attached every time i test or upload the site it give me this error below.
I need desperate help as actinic support says nothing they can do I paid £200 to Microsoft they say nothing they can do. You can see what errors i get on www.homemummylondon.co.uk
The test script failed to execute on the web server. The error could be caused by several things. Check the path to the Perl shell, the CGI script extension, the path to CGI-BIN, and the CGI-BIN URL. This error could also occur if your web site is out of disk space or your web server is not configured to accept POSTs to CGI scripts.
You help is appreciated.

My Network settings are attached every time i test or upload the site it give me this error below.
I need desperate help as actinic support says nothing they can do I paid £200 to Microsoft they say nothing they can do. You can see what errors i get on www.homemummylondon.co.uk
The test script failed to execute on the web server. The error could be caused by several things. Check the path to the Perl shell, the CGI script extension, the path to CGI-BIN, and the CGI-BIN URL. This error could also occur if your web site is out of disk space or your web server is not configured to accept POSTs to CGI scripts.
You help is appreciated.