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Implementing a flash 'banner' on home page

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    Implementing a flash 'banner' on home page


    Can anyone tell me how I implement a flash banner on the Brochure page.

    I realise this is in the brochure template but I have been given a .swf file & an Html text file - so I'm a little confused & not tried this one befoe.

    Any help will be lapped up

    James Cameron
    The Glow Company UK Ltd.

    Hi James

    Just add the following in Act_BrochurePrimary.html

    <embed src="yourfile.SWF" quality=high pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="xxx" height="xxx">

    I would also advise in going to "Advance | Additional Files", and then adding the flash file in here, so Actinic will upload it for you.

    Hope this helps
    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development



      Where abouts in the Act_BrochurePrimary.html should you paste this.

      I want to add some basic banner logos and it seems to upset the header of the page?
      Thanks in advance.

      Jonathan Moss


        Hi there

        If you would like the banner to appear above the logo, then i would suggest in placing the code before "NETQUOTEVAR:BROCHURELOGO"

        Is this where you placed it?

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development



          I have tried this but the light blue separator line gets moved down the page. How about if I want to put a few logos across the top of the page.

          My website is

          The MEMIX logo is placed with the light blue line running half way through it. Whenever I place other logos it seems to upset the placing of the horizontal line.
          Thanks in advance.

          Jonathan Moss


            Are your banners the same size as your memix logo?
            Owner of a broken heart


              I have tried different sizes but the ones the same size did look better.

              Let me ask a slightly different question then. On my j=home page under where it says MEMIXDIRECT.COM [PRODUCTS], there is a thicker separator line. How would I get a small ogoSame thicknes) on to that line?
              Thanks in advance.

              Jonathan Moss


                That line is a coloured table cell that runs the length of the screen. You will need to find out which template generates it and put your logo into the cell
                Owner of a broken heart



                  thanks for the reply - I would like to put this banner in place of the logo - or remove the logo & have the banner take up this space - can you advise on how this should be done (& from which point in the code)

                  I am concerned however over how the search engines will look at this - it is crucial that the banner is totally ignored & doesnt affect them picking up my title & text - any ideas

                  James Cameron
                  The Glow Company UK Ltd.


                    Well it looks like Memix stole my thunder! )

                    But can you please reply to my last post....anybody?
                    James Cameron
                    The Glow Company UK Ltd.


                      Originally posted by theglowcompany

                      thanks for the reply - I would like to put this banner in place of the logo - or remove the logo & have the banner take up this space - can you advise on how this should be done (& from which point in the code)
                      Brochure Pages Do the following:
                      If you want it to take place of the logo, then edit the Act_BrochurePrimary.html and find where it says NETQUOTEVAR:BROCHURELOGO. Then simply delete it and place you flash file with the code i had previously posted

                      Main Site:
                      If you want it to take place of the logo, then edit the Act_Primary.html and find where it says NETQUOTEVAR:LOGOIMAGE. Then simply delete it and place you flash file with the code i had previously posted

                      Kind Regards
                      Nadeem Rasool
                      SellerDeck Development


                        Thanks Nadeem - I'll give it a go - useful for other flash banners as well
                        James Cameron
                        The Glow Company UK Ltd.



                          I added the code as written (& included the appropriate values) in place of the NETQUOTEVAR:BROCHURELOGO

                          Uploaded glow.swf as 'additional files' and added glow.swf to site 1 for good measure

                          It worked fine locally yet was just a white box that never could fully load at my host

                          I tried your code & also the code below & got the same results.

                          <object classid="clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,29,0" width="603" height="106">
                          <param name="movie" value="glow.swf" />
                          <param name="quality" value="high" />
                          <embed src="glow.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="603" height="106"></embed>

                          I seem to be missing something fundemental - any ideas?

                          (I have since reverted to the old layout on site)


                          James Cameron
                          The Glow Company UK Ltd.


                            how big is your swf file? in Kb and do you have a preloader
                            Owner of a broken heart


                              24.4 kb - I dont know what a preloader is but the guy who supplied it didnt give me anything else
                              James Cameron
                              The Glow Company UK Ltd.

