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1. Actinic-generated header and footer 2. Displaying different html to logged in user

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    1. Actinic-generated header and footer 2. Displaying different html to logged in user

    (Sidenote: if this is a doublepost, I apologize. I made this post but screwed something up so I don't think it posted... and now i have to write this from scratch too!) (Gawd, I think I take too long to write these so it logs me out, this is the 3rd time now, atleast now I actually copied my message =) )

    Anyway, since I'm writing this again, I'll make it short.
    How can I edit / remove the blue header and footer -like thingies (the blue tables) Actinic generates at the end and beginning of some html files, like the bounce page and the checkout pages... I would guess they are generated by a perl script, but I'm too lazy to check out all the perl files. Well, I quess that explains it enough (In the post I lost I wrote this 3 time longer =) ).

    As for my second question... Is there some way to display different html code to logged in / not logged in users.
    Different to explain, I'll just give an example (this is actually what I'm trying to accomplish, too)

    I want the field "Buyer: X | Account: X | Logout" to be in a table with a bgcolor, but so that the table isn't visible to non-logged in users. This is because if it is shown to them, it looks like a silly empty box, that sometimes changes height on some pages.

    This isn't really all that critical (the 1st question is, though!), I think I can live without the table system, but it would still be nice.

    Ah, problem 1 solved, I can't believe I actually missed it (still don't know where those strange grey-white strips come from, but I'll figure that out sooner or later).
    Question 2 is still on though...


      It is worth checking the KB for your second question. Probably gives and answer.

      Actinic Software


        Ahh yes, I propably should've done that, guess I'm just lazy =)
        Anyways, it did the trick, thanks a lot zmagyar.
        I've also solved question 1 for good, the white-grey stripe -thingy came from the css file. I have a new problem now though, the add to cart and login scripts give general script errors without any explanation. But I think this is caused by faulty permissions on the ftp server or something like that... Atleast I can't think of any other good explanation, the ftp server had downtime yesturday, too. If you have some other explanation, I'd be glad to hear it, because if the permissions are faulty, it will take weeks for the ftp staff to fix them if I won't spam them continously with email and phone calls, and the new site I'm building now is supposed to be opened next monday...


          Yet again, just ignore my whining, my scripts were corrupted or something, I got it the scripts to work by downgrading to yesturdays snapshot =)


            Gyaah.. the 30 min edit limit is too short! I'm going to get banned for spamming or something =(

            Now, anyway, I though the script problem was fixed. I was wrong, though, but found out what caused it.

            Like the knowledge base suggested, I set up the showing "only logged in users" html code. I put these lines in my Act_Header:

            <Actinic:SHOWFORPRICESCHEDULE Schedules="5" HTML="&#60;table border=&#34;0&#34; width=100&#37; &#62;&#60;tr&#62;&#60;td align=center bgcolor=&#34;&#35;d1d1e4&#34;&#62;"/>


            <Actinic:SHOWFORPRICESCHEDULE Schedules="5" HTML="&#60;&#47;td&#62;&#60;&#47;tr&#62;&#60;&#47;table&#62;"/>

            When I have these lines in the html, the login page and the show cart page don't work. It is possible to log in by going to the login html page, and it works then, and when logged in the show cart works too. What's wrong?


            EDIT: Oh, and all those <,>,",/ and etc are in the correct format, as in html symbol code, the forum just translates them.


              If you plan to do something simple with your html for logged in users there is a really simple method.

              Go to Design | text (I think)

              Search for the fields for displaying Current Buyer and Current Account. Then type the html you want into these fields. Remember the %s' are the variables.

              Good luck


                I tried that before asking, actually, but it messes up stuff badly for me. The table I'm trying to make becomes wrong coloured, wrong size and it loses text, too. I think life will be easier if I just forget about this, since it is mearly a small cosmetic fix, not really necessary for the page to work or anything...

