Hi there
We've noticed that we've not been receiving any Paypal Orders even though the funds have credited our account and now realise that our set up in Paypal didn't have the correct url to return the customer to our site hence the orders not being reported when we downloaded them.
My question is - Is there any way we can find out what the customer actually ordered or do I need to take a huge bite of 'Humble Pie' and contact each customer? I've looked at the payment and all that's listed is the Order Number
Thank you
We've noticed that we've not been receiving any Paypal Orders even though the funds have credited our account and now realise that our set up in Paypal didn't have the correct url to return the customer to our site hence the orders not being reported when we downloaded them.
My question is - Is there any way we can find out what the customer actually ordered or do I need to take a huge bite of 'Humble Pie' and contact each customer? I've looked at the payment and all that's listed is the Order Number
Thank you