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shipping destination error

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    shipping destination error

    hi there i have spent ages trying to look for the answer but as yet have had no joy.

    I have just noticed that when i get as far as checkout the shipping destination selection is not there, i have tried to set it up as uk only and managed to do this fine but i have obvously done something that i'm not awear of,

    when i click next an error message states that shipping destination should first be selected,

    here is a link to the temporary site, to get to the checkout your order must be over £25.

    i have also tried to purge refresh but still no luck.

    any helpwould be great,

    many thanks,

    this is the mesage i am getting

    Select Shipping Destination - The catalog delivery database does not have any shipping options defined for this location. Please contact us directly with your order.


      Have you been amending the shopping cart page? If so, you may have removed the dropdown list where the location has to specified. Can you compare your file to the original and check if it has been removed by mistake.

      Have you set shipping up in business settings and if so what have you set up?


        the template files are all ok,
        my settings are as follows,

        Shipping charges are made with a Pro-rata tax rate.
        i have selected no handling charges.

        message is: Please select how you would like your purchase to be delivered to you.

        calculation basis is set to total value

        if shipping band is not defined: use default charge £99.99 (just tried this and delivery now comes up as £99.99 but the cart contents fall between the first and second band out of six.

        the shipping bands is set by zone with only one class of uk.

        i think that for some reason its not picking up the zone price bands and therefore setting the default charge to £99.99


          if it makes it any easier have a look at this attachment,

          I just cant understand what i have done. i have a zone with a class of uk only. was this wrong, i have had this selection working on friday though.
          Attached Files


            i have also just tried replacing the cart template file and that has not help so the fault does not lie there. any more suggestions would be great.


              i think it was after i have selected tax by invoice address not by delivery address it now seems to work ok. how strange

