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<br> Gaps!

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    <br> Gaps!

    Dear Community,

    Please can you help me? My website has recently ungone a facelift with the assistance of Smart Decision dot net. Although this has been a relatively smooth operation there a layout problem which remains and cannot be resolved.

    Please take a look at the following page which resides on a 'test' server.

    http:// (URL REMOVED)

    You will notice at the top of the page, above the 'Classic Pro' header that there is a gap. Ideally I would like to reduce or remove this gap to improve the overall appearance of the product pages. I've already tried modifying all the relevant <br> text strings in the design area, but this has had no effect.

    Please can someone advise me on how I may eliminate this gap?

    Thanks to all that respond in advance.

    Kevin Simpson
    Simpsons of Langley Ltd.
    Manufacturers and Retailers of Professional Pet Grooming Products.

    Hi Kevin,

    your first point of call should be your designer if you are not happy with the template. If that is not an option try unticking the "compact cgi / html" option in Design | Options | Misc and then preview the page in an external browser - view the source code of that page and the templates used for each bit of the code will be shown as design comments - you can then track the template much more easily.

    If it is not coming from a template but the design text try adding a <br 1> <br 2> <br 3> etc to all the instances of <br> ... again preview the text and if you see <br 4> you know where it is coming from.

    Don't forget to reset everything back afterwards

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      This could possibly be a margin setting in your CSS file, with clearer code to view, the problem should be easily identified and rectified.


        without searching through your css it is either a padding value, margin top value or in your page design there is a stray <tr></tr> awaiting some actinic content inside <block></block>

        Should not take your designer too long to track down and <!-- --> remove though.

        Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
        Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


          Hi Jont,

          Thanks for the reply. I've already tried exactly what you suggest and unfortunately it didn't help me indentify any offended breaks.

          Any other suggestions, other than those already offered?

          Thanks Again.
          Simpsons of Langley Ltd.
          Manufacturers and Retailers of Professional Pet Grooming Products.


            I have just imported the code into dreamweaver and it looks like 2 <br> tags above the table and an empty <div>.

            Search for the code "<div ALIGN="CENTER"></div><BR>Actinic:CartError_List/><BR>", this appears to be the problem.


              Hi Lee,

              I've just tried searching in the 'primary' file, but couldn't find the string you mentioned. What file(s) should I be searching in?

              -- amended 15:29 --

              The code you're refering to seems to be in the HTML files generated by Actinic, during FTP upload. I imagine therefore this could must be held in a fragment or something.

              Many thanks in advance.
              Simpsons of Langley Ltd.
              Manufacturers and Retailers of Professional Pet Grooming Products.


                Lee - empty <div> tags will self collapse

                Kevin - take a look in the various Act_Parentn templates

                SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                  Thanks again Jont,

                  I've had a look in the files (templates) you suggest, but there's nothing obvious here to suggest a problem.

                  Anyone else fancy a go?
                  Simpsons of Langley Ltd.
                  Manufacturers and Retailers of Professional Pet Grooming Products.


                    Its a gap caused by the Actinic content used to generate the account info for people who are logged onto the site. It can be removed if you are not using accounts otherwise there is not much you can do - it can be reduced a little by deleting everything that is not needed. The breadcrumb code is also in there and again this can be removed if it is not needed.

                    All the changes need to be made in the act_primary template.


                      Kevin i viewed the code off your website, its the only source i had to work with. For me personally, when i had these sort of problems, i used to add text into the possible templates which could be affecting it and then look for my text in the design. I don't think anyone can say (for sure) which template this is coming from. I would look in the Primary as my first call, but you say you have done that.

                      Remove the div while you are there also as it is not doing anything. It may be wiser to look for the div instead as this may narrow your search down.


                        As Malcolm says theres not much you can do about the account script unless you don't need it, what you can do is remove the <br>'s around it.


                          Hi RuralWeb,

                          Thanks for your reply. I had originally suspected the same as you, however. If you login as a protential client the gap just gets bigger - hence there must be some additional code generating the gap.

                          I not familiar with the 'breadcrumb' code, perhaps you could explain this in a little more detail.

                          I've studied and modified the act_primary template in everyway I can think of, but it makes no difference. However, the problem must reside in the following section of code.

                          <td align="RIGHT" valign="top"> NETQUOTEVAR:FORMBEGIN
                          <a name="top"><input type=HIDDEN name=RANDOM value="NETQUOTEVAR:RANDOM"></a> NETQUOTEVAR:HIDDENFIELDS

                          There's nothing obvious here to suggest a problem, other than something deeply embedded in the NETQUOTEVAR code.

                          Answers on a post card please.

                          Thanks to all responders in advance.
                          Simpsons of Langley Ltd.
                          Manufacturers and Retailers of Professional Pet Grooming Products.


                            Originally posted by Simpsons
                            I not familiar with the 'breadcrumb' code, perhaps you could explain this in a little more detail.
                            This is the Act_Parentn templates I pointed you towards but you have already checked and dismissed these

                            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                              email me your act_primary and I will take a look if you want.

