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Extra Pages on Navigation Bar

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    The hidden pages are basically anything which is not on the top level visible navigation or the shop, so, competition, articles, press, press releases, information pages, testimonials etc. You can click on them on the navigation bar and see what I mean just drag your mouse slowly under the last navigation button and all will be revealed!



      So I am doing things the right way then?! I am surprised as it seems like such a temporary solution. I have so many additional hidden brochure pages and as the site develop over time, it is going to get ridiculous, we are already verging on it now.

      So, it isn't possible to make separate brochure pages which will not be listed on the top level navigation, which you can then simply link on to your site wherever you want?



        That theme lists the brochure pages in the navigation as standard - by using the invisible GIF you are allowing the pages to be found on your site but the link is all but invisible unless you hover over the bottom part of the pink box.

        If you create a new section called "temp" and inside each of these sections create new sub-sections (1 for each of your brochure pages) ... setting the section image as invisibleimage.gif (or whatever it is called) .... in each of these new subsections add a fragment and add your text to the fragment (you can copy and paste the text from your web browser).

        Remember that a section (or sub-section) equates to a page on the internet.

        As you are setting an invisible image as the section image this will not show on the main shop page. As these are now effectively product pages - albeit with no products on the page - they will not show in the left hand navigation.

        Basically convert the brochure pages into product pages.


        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

