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3 Questions

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    3 Questions

    1) Is there a way of having two different 'Add to Basket' buttons? As the background colour is different on some of my pages so the button looks odd.

    2) I have noticed that the quicksearch bar disapears in the checkout and also when being re-directed after making a purchase. Is there any way to prevent this as it effects the layout of my site?

    3) Is it possible to edit the checkout pages? If so which html files are these?

    Thanks, and I apologise for putting these 3 different questions in one post.

    If the add to cart button is a submit button and not an image, then you could change it by assigning a class to the buy button of say class="mybuybutton" and assigning the css formating to it within the head section of the page within a <style> you style for the button </style>

    And within that style, change the background colour to a CUSTOMVAR:MYCOLOUR

    Then, at the software, create this new custom property, and give it a default colour for what you want generally all over the site, but then at the section where this colour has to change, then assign the property with the new colour value at that section level..

    If its an image buy button, then dunno that its possible under v7, but under v8 it is possible easily, see for 1 button and then for another in the same site (real easy in v8 for image buy buttons)...

    Afraid the quick search (simple search) is removed from certain displays like cart and checkout and some others... Only way is to view the online source of the page that shows it, then replace the NETQUOTEVAR:SIMPLESEARCH with the full code you grabbed from the online one, thus removing simple search template and hard wiriing it in.

    For checkout pages central content this is within the Advanced | Template Manager | Ordering tab and you will see 00, 01 and so on for the ordering pages. If you mean the outter, then this depends on the layout you are using which is set within Design | options | layouts...


      To have different add to cart buttons simply edit Act_CartButtonImage.html in the root of the site folder and replace the code with something like

      Create a new customvar called BUTTONIMG and under Design | Options | Defaults set the main default button image there and where you want to over ride set the CUSTOMVAR at the section level and use the new button image

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes



        Thanks for the info, though i'm a bit confused over how exactly to go about it, as I end up with a situation where only 1 or the other button apears and the other has a missing image.

        Do you think you would be able to clarify exactly what it is I would have to do?

        Thanks very much


          Hi Matthew,

          if you use the method in post 3 by editing the Act_CartButtonImage.html you are effectively replacing the NQV with your own CUSTOMVAR ... this allows you to specify which image you want to use as the add to cart button.

          The default button is set at Design | Options | Site defaults ... add the property for the customvar (BUTTONIMG) and then tick "use as customvar" and "file name" ... this will set that image site wide.

          In the section you need to use a different button click on the "properties" tab on that section and add a new proprty (BUTTONIMG) from the drop down list .. again add the file name for the new button and tick the "use as customvar" and "file name"

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


            Thanks so much

            Works now

            Also thanks Support @ Techno-Web Ltd the other 2 issues I mentioned are sorted now

            So thanks guys

