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Help please with images next to each section

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    Help please with images next to each section

    First up I have to say I am a total beginner using any sort software such as this V7 or anything like it.
    Have just finished inputting all my products with the appropriate images.
    Each product is listed in one of 26 subsections titled 'A' through to 'Z'.
    These A-Z subsections are then in one overall section entitled 'Quads'. I have five other overall sections for each type of product I have, 'Quads' being one section.
    What I want to do is have an image next to the section heading 'Quads', then when I click on 'Quads' I want different images next to each section 'A' through to 'Z'. Then when I click on 'A' and I get a list of all products within this section, I do not actually need any images until the product is clicked.
    What is happening at the moment is when I add an image within the 'Quads' section, this same image appears next to all my sub-headings 'A' through to 'Z' and also next to the titles of all products within the subsections. If I add a new image in the 'A' subsection, it does change but I get this new image next to all the product titles within that section.
    Can anyone help me solve this problem having spent ages trying to work it out myself? Obviously I could do away with all images but it makes the pages look very boring. Any suggestions truly appreciated!!

    you are describing actinic working as designed.

    if you want a different image at a-z level you will have to define a section image otherwise actinic will use the image from the parent section


      So one image attached at a top level filters down through to over 2000+ listed products in the subsequent sub sections? There is no way I can attach an image at a top level and not have it appear at every section below that?


        So one image attached at a top level filters down through to over 2000+ listed products in the subsequent sub sections?
        Sadly yes. Its a total pain.


          Well thanks very much for replying, even if it is not the best news in the world...


            How about replacing the code for the section image with your own CUSTOMVAR and then only specify that against the sections you need it .... the others can be set to use a default image (possibly transparent) under Design | Options | Site Defaults.

            You could automate this further using Javacript to query if a CUSTOMVAR image is present aginst the section properties and display if found - if a null value nothing is output.

            Either way - this would allow you to prevent the child section inheriting the parent image by default.

            Section images don't display against the product titles - you may need to look at your Act_ProductLine.html if this is the case

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


              Thanks very much, will give it a try.


                Cool answer Jonty!

                I wish I'd though of that months ago.. as i suffered from the same diliemma, at the time Jan said she would write a script to assign images bottom up rather than parent down


                  I don't know if this is any help but I created an image - a white box which I called blankimage.jpg and imported that for any product without an image (all via a spreadsheet) I guess that's the same as Jont's suggestion for a transparant image.

                  When viewing on the browers it just looks like there's no image for the product.


                    Thanks very much - should get this sorted now with these suggestions.


                      I find its best to put in an image with "Awaiting Image" or the like. If you put in a blank image people think that the site has not loaded correctly as they cannot see any pictures and they will start pressing the refresh button etc

