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Newish Site, and a thank you...

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    Newish Site, and a thank you...

    Hi All,

    I've had an actinic website up and running for over a year now (having just had my cover renewed, I guess i'll be using it for another year too ).

    Firstly, I'd like to thank all the relevant posters on the forum as although i've never posted a question on here, over the last year i've learnt a lot and solved a number of problems i've been experiencing by searching these forums.

    Most recently (this evening!) i've sorted out an intermittent problem with the mail server I use apparently not working (Neither I or my customers have been receiving email confirmations). My ISP has repeatedly said it's working and checked things for me, and the last time this happened a few weeks back it mysteriously worked within a couple of hours of me having a go at the ISP.... now, having trawled lots of posts, i've changed the settings to "localhost" and it works..... always assumed that I had to enter the mail server name and that local host meant my PC...

    Secondly, I'd like to suggest that anyone new to Actinic hangs in there, it does do what it says it should, and with such a large number of users in the forum and indeed Actinic developers, someone is bound to have the answer.....

    That's it really, just a big thanks. Now i've finally shown my face around here, i'll try and be more active on the posts. I'm sure if I ever get round to looking at Version 8, i'll have some questions about that too...

    PS. Any feedback on the site, always appreciated, don't have enough hours in the day to get it looking how I want it to0, but one day I will (Or i'll have enough cash to pay someone else!!).

    Well that's it.

    Bye for now.

    Toby Jennings
    3D System Sales Ltd.

    Hi Toby,

    Like your site - seems like quite a niche market you have as well! I've been a big Unix fan and user for 15 years now and it's great to see sites like yours out there and doing business.



      For any item not shown on our website, please call on 0207 870 5786 or email our sales team and we will endeavour to call you back within the hour to discuss how we can help you.
      this line on the front page:

      the colon before the email address is wrongly spaced, and I wouldsuggest replacing the mailto link with a link to a contact form to cut down on spam.

      We've gone one stage further with our contact forms and put captcha on them all now


        Thanks Jo, updated the typo on the front page. Am working on the mailto problem, but have a a number of problems navigating the site at the moment - if you use the contact us page within the products section it does show a form that you can submit via, but from the homepage it shows the telephone number page etc. I'm sure it's easy to fix, just have to get round to it... also fed up with the lack of links back to the homepage from within the catalogue, so have that on my list too...

        Thanks again (that also applys to the other response too!).

        Toby Jennings
        3D System Sales Ltd.


          Host & Maiu

          Originally posted by tjsgifan
          Most recently (this evening!) i've sorted out an intermittent problem with the mail server I use apparently not working (Neither I or my customers have been receiving email confirmations). My ISP has repeatedly said it's working and checked things for me, and the last time this happened a few weeks back it mysteriously worked within a couple of hours of me having a go at the ISP.... now, having trawled lots of posts, i've changed the settings to "localhost" and it works..... always assumed that I had to enter the mail server name and that local host meant my PC...
          Toby, many thanks, your original post helped me to sort out a long-standing problem that the forum had not resolved otherwise.

          There seems to be a difference between hosts (all out there correct me if wrong - careful here - think this is it...) - my original host provided my email, so the smtp was the same.

          My new host ('s AGENT*) gave me a dedicated mailbox incorporating my domain name so this is what I put into Advanced | Network | Setup but it never worked. Forum enquiry said host problem. Agent* said not his problem, but Actinic's, and got shirty.

          *Using local human we can actually speak to.....
          but not Actinic expert...
 - the UK's largest online supplier of Fresh Flower Merchandising Stands

          Using V10.2 with Norman's brilliantly simple TABBER.


            Toby>> If you go to one of your product pages and click the contact us, the link takes you to the actinic contact form which is triggered by You could replace your mailto links with this, otherwise you will get 99 spam emails for each genuine enquiry

            PB>> And yes all hosts are different, some configure to allow the use of "Localhost" others will work if you use,others require authentication too.

